A vizualization tool for robots using OpenGL and Python.
Main features:
- 3d vizualization of multiple robots and objects.
- simulation view of on-robot cameras.
- screen/screen capture builtin.
- server-client design.
apt-add-repository ppa:dang-duong/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install robot-viewer
Create a robotviewer.repo file inside /etc/yum.repo.d with the following lines:
name=Repository for robot-viewer.
Change the line "fedora14" to the appropriate version of your system. Install robot-viewer by the usual way:
yum install robot-viewer
Make sure you have the following dependency:
python 2.6 or 2.7.
pyopengl, numpy
omniORB 4.1.4 and omniORBpy (optional)
Install this package as an usual python package:
python setup.py install --prefix $YOUR_PREFIX
An easy way to install dependencies for robot-viewer is using Macports:
port install py26-opengl py26-Numeric py26-omniORBpy
Make sure you have the correct PATH, PYTHONPATH, etc. in ~/.profile.
Install simpleparse and robot-viewer the same way as in Linux.
- Edit $HOME/.robotviewer/config to add your robot. robot-viewer supports vrml and kxml formats for robot representation.
- Start the server: robotviewer -s SERVER_TYPE
where SERVER_TYPE is either "CORBA" or "XML-RPC". If no option is given, CORBA will be used.
In a python prompt, start the client: import robotviewer clt = robotviewer.client(server=SERVER_TYPE)
where SERVER_TYPE corresponds to the kind of server you started in previous step. (i.e. "CORBA" or "XML-RPC")
The following functions are available for the client:
* createElement(type, name, description)
* destroyElement(element_name)
* enableElement(element_name)
* disableElement(element_name)
* updateElementConfig(element_name, config)
* getElementConfig(element_name)
* listElement()