#Beautiful jQuery plugin wich allows you to load a fullscreen modal window
#Example of usage : #1 - load your jquery library first #2 - load this jquery.fullScreenModal.js #3 - initialize the function like this :
var url = 'http://your_ajax_content_url';
var connectLink = $("#connect").fullScreenModal({ //#connect is the element' ID wich trigger the function
backgroundImage: "/assets/images/loginPict/6.jpg", //path to my beautiful wallpaper
offsetMarginTop: 0, // would I an Offset on the top ?
speedStart: 800, // default speed
speedEnd: 500, // default speed
easing: 'linear', // jquery easing type
direction: "left", // the direction
closeTag: '<a class="loginFormLink" href="javascript:void(0);">Fermer</a>', // your custom closing tag
ajaxContent: url // your ajax content
callbackOpen: function(){alert('callback1');},// callback function after successfull open
callbackClosed: function(){alert('callback2');} // callback function after successfull close