Scan for a specific message in the Group/ Chat 24 x 7and notify user using a Normal call as the network maybe down on the usere End
Notify under 6 seconds including Call Time
Obtaining api_id
In order to obtain an API id and develop your own application using the Telegram API you need to do the following:
Sign up for Telegram using any application.
Log in to your Telegram core:
Go to "API development tools" and fill out the form.
You will get basic addresses as well as the api_id and api_hash parameters required for user authorization.
For the moment each number can only have one api_id connected to it.
Copy the credintials in Config.ini
keep it secure or else your account may be compromised
please use an up-to-date number connected to your active Telegram account.
Important : Disable 2-Factor Auth on telegram account
FREE 15 $ credit for new account
lifting the call may deduct the credit balance , we just use calling as an way to notify the user
- Get a US number
- add your numer in verified list as limited by trial account
- copy the credintials in
Secure credintials
Note: when it is accessec by ssh connection it only runs till the ssh session is active to avoid this, use :
ssh into the remote machine
start tmux by typing tmux into the shell
start the process you want inside the started tmux session
leave/detach the tmux session by typing Ctrl+b and then d