A simple app which gives random, sometimes maybe even useless, facts1. Tested with iOS 15.0 on iPhone and iPad!
The Factzzz app has different features as listed below (in no particular order):
- Generate random facts;
- Ability to save facts (local device only!);
- Ability to remove saved facts;
- Share a fact;
The app is currently not available in the app store. If you want to use this app there are a couple steps you need to follow2:
- Fork and Clone (or just download) this repository;
- Open the app project using Xcode;
- Connect your iPhone to the MacBook;
- Build the project to your (connected) iPhone by pressing the play (▷) button (see the image below!);
This code is developed under the MIT License. The license can be found here: LICENSE
This app uses the following API: https://uselessfacts.jsph.pl. Huge thanks to Joseph Paul! ↩
MacOS and Xcode are required! ↩