Terraform modules for provisioning a CentOS 7 install on an various cloud providers. At the moment a AWS, OpenStack & Azure provider is available with a bash provisioners for CentOS 7. An example is also provided for launching multiple providers via one configuration using modules.
- prefix - The prefix you want to label all your server nodes and other resources as, defaults to
- access_key - Your AWS Access Key
- secret_key - Your AWS Secret Key
- key_name - The name of your AWS Keypair, you have to create this in advance
- public_key - The contents of your public key you want to use for your key-pair
- key_file_path - The path to your private key of the above public key which will be used to login to the servers
- servers - The number of servers you want to spin up
AWS Defaults
- region - Your AWS Region
- azs - A list of Availability Zones you want to put your servers in
- ami_id - The AMI of the machine you want to start with
- instance_type - The instance type to start with
- create_eip - If you want to attach an Elastic IP to each server (set to false for now)
- user_login - The default user that is used on the your AMI
- ec2_ips - a list of the public ips of your server nodes
module "aws_app" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//providers/aws/app-server"
# Custom Config
servers = "${var.aws_servers}"
prefix = "${var.env}-app"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
azs = "${var.aws_azs}"
ami_id = "${var.aws_ami_id}"
create_eip = "${var.aws_create_eip}"
instance_type = "${var.aws_instance_type}"
# AWS config
access_key = "${var.aws_access_key}"
secret_key = "${var.aws_secret_key}"
region = "${var.aws_region}"
key_name = "${var.aws_key_name}"
module "centos_app_provisioner" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//provisioners/bash/centos-7/app-db-server"
# Server Info
servers = "${var.aws_servers}"
server_ips = ["${module.aws_app.ec2_ips}"]
# Login Information
user_login = "${var.aws_user_login}"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
output "aws_app_ips" {
value = ["${module.aws_app.ec2_ips}"]
# Global Variables
public_key_file = "/path/to/public-key"
private_key_file = "/path/to/private-key"
# AWS Provider Variables
aws_region = "YOUR_AWS_REGION"
aws_access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
aws_secret_key = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY"
aws_key_name = "YOUR_AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME"
# AWS Instance Variables
aws_servers = 1
aws_azs = ["LIST", "OF", "AZS"]
aws_ami_id = "YOUR_AWS_AMI"
aws_instance_type = "t2.micro"
aws_create_eip = false
- prefix - The prefix you want to label all your server nodes and other resources as, defaults to
- username - The username of your OpenStack API user
- tenant_name - The tenant_name of your account
- password - Your OpenStack API password
- region - The region you want to use for these resources
- public_key - The contents of your public key you want to use for your key-pair
- key_file_path - The path to your private key of the above public key which will be used to login to the servers
- servers - The number of servers you want to spin up
- user_login - The default user that is used on the your OpenStack image
OpenStack Defaults
- auth_url - The Identity Service URL of your OpenStack installation
- pub_net_id - The default public network name
- image - The image ID of the OS you want installed
- flavor - The flavor ID of the Compute size you want
- nodes_floating_ips - a list of the public ips of your server nodes
module "openstack_app" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//providers/openstack/app-server"
# Custom Config
prefix = "${var.env}-app"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
servers = "${var.openstack_app_servers}"
user_login = "${var.openstack_app_user_login}"
image_id = "${var.openstack_app_image}"
flavor_id = "${var.openstack_app_flavor}"
# OpenStack config
username = "${var.openstack_username}"
tenant_name = "${var.openstack_tenant_name}"
password = "${var.openstack_password}"
region = "${var.openstack_region}"
auth_url = "${var.openstack_auth_url}"
pub_net_id = "${var.openstack_pub_net_id}"
module "centos_app_provisioner" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//provisioners/bash/centos-7/app-server"
# Server Info
servers = "${var.openstack_app_servers}"
server_ips = ["${module.openstack_app.nodes_floating_ips}"]
# Login Information
user_login = "${var.openstack_app_user_login}"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
output "openstack_app_ips" {
value = ["${module.openstack_app.nodes_floating_ips}"]
module "openstack_db" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//providers/openstack/app-server"
# Custom Config
prefix = "${var.env}-db"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
servers = "${var.openstack_db_servers}"
user_login = "${var.openstack_db_user_login}"
image_id = "${var.openstack_db_image}"
flavor_id = "${var.openstack_db_flavor}"
# OpenStack config
username = "${var.openstack_username}"
tenant_name = "${var.openstack_tenant_name}"
password = "${var.openstack_password}"
region = "${var.openstack_region}"
auth_url = "${var.openstack_auth_url}"
pub_net_id = "${var.openstack_pub_net_id}"
module "centos_db_provisioner" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//provisioners/bash/centos-7/db-server"
# Server Info
servers = "${var.openstack_db_servers}"
server_ips = ["${module.openstack_db.nodes_floating_ips}"]
# Login Information
user_login = "${var.openstack_db_user_login}"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
output "openstack_db_ips" {
value = ["${module.openstack_db.nodes_floating_ips}"]
# Global Variables
public_key_file = "/path/to/public-key"
private_key_file = "/path/to/private-key"
# OpenStack Instance Variables
openstack_app_servers = 2
openstack_app_user_login = "root"
openstack_app_image = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_IMAGE"
openstack_app_flavor = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_FLAVOR"
openstack_db_servers = 1
openstack_db_user_login = "root"
openstack_db_image = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_IMAGE"
openstack_db_flavor = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_FLAVOR"
# OpenStack Provider Variables
openstack_username = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_USERNAME"
openstack_tenant_name = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_TENANT_NAME"
openstack_password = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PASSWORD"
openstack_region = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_REGION"
openstack_pub_net_id = "public"
- prefix - The prefix you want to label all your server nodes and other resources as, defaults to
- subscription_id - Your Azure Subscription Id
- client_id - Your Azure Active Directory App Id
- client_secret - Your Azure Active Directory Password / Secret
- tenant_id - Your Account or Tenant Id
- public_key - The contents of your public key you want to use for your key-pair
- key_file_path - The path to your private key of the above public key which will be used to login to the servers
- servers - The number of servers you want to spin up
Microsoft Azure Defaults
- location - The region you want to use for these resources
- vm_size - The type/size of VM you want to launch
- user_login - The default user that is used on the your Azure image
- image_publisher - The publisher of the image you want to use
- image_offer - The name of the image you want to use
- image_sku - The release or ID of the image you want to use
- image_version - The version of the image you want to use
- vm_pips - a list of the public ips of your server nodes
- vm_ids - a list of the Virtal Machine ids of your server nodes
module "azure_app" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//providers/azure/app-server"
# Custom Config
servers = "${var.azure_servers}"
prefix = "${var.env}app"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
vm_size = "${var.azure_vm_size}"
user_login = "${var.azure_user_login}"
# Azure config
subscription_id = "${var.azure_subscription_id}"
client_id = "${var.azure_client_id}"
client_secret = "${var.azure_client_secret}"
tenant_id = "${var.azure_tenant_id}"
location = "${var.azure_location}"
module "centos_app_provisioner" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//provisioners/bash/centos-7/app-db-server"
# Server Info
servers = "${var.azure_servers}"
server_ips = ["${module.azure_app.vm_pips}"]
server_ids = ["${module.azure_app.vm_ids}"]
# Login Information
user_login = "${var.azure_user_login}"
public_key = "${file("${var.public_key_file}")}"
key_file_path = "${var.private_key_file}"
output "azure_app_ips" {
value = ["${module.azure_app.vm_pips}"]
# Global Variables
public_key_file = "/path/to/public-key"
private_key_file = "/path/to/private-key"
# Azure Provider Variables
azure_subscription_id = "YOUR_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
azure_client_id = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_ID"
azure_client_secret = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"
azure_tenant_id = "YOUR_AZURE_TENANT_ID"
azure_location = "YOUR_AZURE_LOCATION"
# AWS Instance Variables
azure_servers = 1
This example uses the three previous examples as modules and sets them all up using a single configuration file.
module "aws_multi" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//examples/aws/multiple-servers/"
# Custom Config
env = "${var.env}"
public_key_file = "${var.public_key_file}"
private_key_file = "${var.private_key_file}"
aws_app_servers = "${var.aws_app_servers}"
aws_app_azs = "${var.aws_app_azs}"
aws_app_ami_id = "${var.aws_app_ami_id}"
aws_app_instance_type = "${var.aws_app_instance_type}"
aws_db_servers = "${var.aws_db_servers}"
aws_db_azs = "${var.aws_db_azs}"
aws_db_ami_id = "${var.aws_db_ami_id}"
aws_db_instance_type = "${var.aws_db_instance_type}"
# AWS config
aws_access_key = "${var.aws_access_key}"
aws_secret_key = "${var.aws_secret_key}"
aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
aws_key_name = "${var.aws_key_name}"
output "aws_app_ips" {
value = ["${concat(module.aws_multi.aws_app_ips, module.aws_multi.aws_db_ips)}"]
module "openstack_multi" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//examples/openstack/multiple-servers/"
# Custom Config
env = "${var.env}"
public_key_file = "${var.public_key_file}"
private_key_file = "${var.private_key_file}"
openstack_app_servers = "${var.openstack_app_servers}"
openstack_app_user_login = "${var.openstack_app_user_login}"
openstack_app_image = "${var.openstack_app_image}"
openstack_app_flavor = "${var.openstack_app_flavor}"
openstack_db_servers = "${var.openstack_db_servers}"
openstack_db_user_login = "${var.openstack_db_user_login}"
openstack_db_image = "${var.openstack_db_image}"
openstack_db_flavor = "${var.openstack_db_flavor}"
# OpenStack config
openstack_username = "${var.openstack_username}"
openstack_tenant_name = "${var.openstack_tenant_name}"
openstack_password = "${var.openstack_password}"
openstack_region = "${var.openstack_region}"
openstack_auth_url = "${var.openstack_auth_url}"
openstack_pub_net_id = "${var.openstack_pub_net_id}"
output "openstack_app_ips" {
value = ["${concat(module.openstack_multi.openstack_app_ips, module.openstack_multi.openstack_db_ips)}"]
module "azure_multi" {
source = "github.com/kzap/terraform-modules//examples/azure/multiple-servers/"
# Custom Config
env = "${var.env}"
public_key_file = "${var.public_key_file}"
private_key_file = "${var.private_key_file}"
azure_app_servers = "${var.azure_app_servers}"
azure_app_vm_size = "${var.azure_app_vm_size}"
azure_app_user_login = "${var.azure_app_user_login}"
azure_db_servers = "${var.azure_db_servers}"
azure_db_vm_size = "${var.azure_db_vm_size}"
azure_db_user_login = "${var.azure_db_user_login}"
# Azure config
azure_subscription_id = "${var.azure_subscription_id}"
azure_client_id = "${var.azure_client_id}"
azure_client_secret = "${var.azure_client_secret}"
azure_tenant_id = "${var.azure_tenant_id}"
azure_location = "${var.azure_location}"
output "azure_app_ips" {
value = ["${concat(module.azure_multi.azure_app_ips, module.azure_multi.azure_db_ips)}"]
# Global Variables
public_key_file = "/path/to/public-key"
private_key_file = "/path/to/private-key"
# AWS Provider Variables
aws_region = "YOUR_AWS_REGION"
aws_access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
aws_secret_key = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY"
aws_key_name = "YOUR_AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME"
# AWS Instance Variables
aws_app_servers = 2
aws_app_azs = ["LIST", "OF", "AZS"]
aws_app_ami_id = "YOUR_AWS_AMI"
aws_app_instance_type = "t2.micro"
aws_db_servers = 1
aws_db_azs = ["LIST", "OF", "AZS"]
aws_db_ami_id = "YOUR_AWS_AMI"
aws_db_instance_type = "t2.micro"
# OpenStack Provider Variables
openstack_username = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_USERNAME"
openstack_tenant_name = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_TENANT_NAME"
openstack_password = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PASSWORD"
openstack_region = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_REGION"
openstack_pub_net_id = "public"
# OpenStack Instance Variables
openstack_app_servers = 2
openstack_app_user_login = "root"
openstack_app_image = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_IMAGE"
openstack_app_flavor = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_FLAVOR"
openstack_db_servers = 1
openstack_db_user_login = "root"
openstack_db_image = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_IMAGE"
openstack_db_flavor = "YOUR_OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_FLAVOR"
# Azure Provider Variables
azure_subscription_id = "YOUR_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
azure_client_id = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_ID"
azure_client_secret = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"
azure_tenant_id = "YOUR_AZURE_TENANT_ID"
azure_location = "YOUR_AZURE_LOCATION"
# Azure Instance Variables
azure_app_servers = 2
azure_db_servers = 1
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