A console application written in Java that can "lock" and "unlock" files
Uses a AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding
transformation algorithm to encrypt/decrypt the bytes of a given file
Download a sample executable jar or a zipped .exe file in the releases page
For the .jar version, execute via (Replace with the file name of the downloaded jar)
java -jar <file name>.jar
Make sure to run with at least a JDK version 16
In the console screen, select any of the following options by typing the associated number in the input line
- 1 to Lock Files
- 2 to Unlock previously locked files
- 0 to exit the application
For options 1 and 2, Enter the target file/folder path to be locked/unlocked
Type in your locking/unlocking password
Select y/n on whether you want to process sub-folders of the target path (if folder)
Build, compile, and run with at least JDK version 16.
To redesign the console menu, modify FileLockerConsole.java
To reimplement the file locker service, modify BasicFileLocker.java
To provide or reimplement the encryption/decryption processes, modify Encryptor.java
The code provided is for education purpose only.
May corrupt files if used or implemented improperly. Do not use with illegal intent.
I will not be liable to You or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information given by the application or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.