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Releases: kylebruder/lookaway

Lookaway Content Management System v1.2.3

28 Jul 17:23
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This release addresses and issue when uploading certain filetypes and filename lengths for images and other media. Very sorry to anyone who had to deal with this issue. Issue reporting is very much appreciated! Much love to you all!

Lookaway Content Management System v1.2.2

27 Oct 19:37
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Lookaway just got its first official feature update. Most of the focus for the initial release was based on the front end look and customization features and in my haste to ship the product I overlooked probably the most important features. After all, Lookaway is, first and foremost, a CMS so it should not be difficult to manage your content. It's has been a while since version 1 was released and in that time, I noticed some very serious pain points when using the backend systems such as the Studio feature. These issues became apparent once the volume of my content grew to an unwieldy size and I began having trouble finding media and content that I needed to work on. The Studio feature has been totally revamped and now includes a non-paginated list, by type, of every item you have uploaded or created. The lists are ordered by how recently you edited or created the items. It also shows you the publication status, last modified date and the creation date. This way, especially if some time has passed since last you worked on your content, you will get a clear view of your workflow history.

In addition to the feature updates, much of the code has been refactored to adhere to DRY principles, mainly having to do with the App Profile design patterns. Several mixins were created to use with ListViews in order to shrink the size of the the files by removing hundreds of lines of code. These mixins conveniently provide querysets and context for the different list views throughout the different apps such as “new” lists, “top” lists and member specific lists. The best part is, you can use these mixins when creating custom apps using the Lookaway CMS platform and Lookaway App Profiles, saving you lots of typing and many extra lines of code.

If you haven’t tried Lookaway CMS yet or if you haven’t logged in in a while, I totally get it. The backend was atrocious and extremely painful to use. I would like to ask for your forgiveness and understanding on this matter and to please give us another chance. Please login to or download Lookaway CMS to checkout these new features to try out a new way to manage and publish your media and content.

Lookaway v1.2.2 Change log

  • Studio view now shows exactly 10 of the most recently modified/created items of each type.

  • Clicking “more…” on each object container on the Studio view will now bring you to a Studio list of every item (of a given type) you have created. The list is a table that includes the publication status, last modified date, and creation date.

  • Several list view mixins were added to handle querysets and App Profile context (NewModelListMixin, TopModelListMixin, ModelByMemberMixin, StudioListMixin). Please see the official GitHub for details (Documentation coming soon!).

  • Sound and video files can now be uploaded and transcoded even if the filetypes match between the source file and the type chosen in the transcoder settings.

  • Studio view no longer breaks when the member is in the "Contributors" group but not the "Writers" "Musicians" or "Artists" group

  • Updated quick install instructions in the README

  • Fixed grammatic errors in the file upload warning

Lookaway Content Management System v1

01 Jul 20:39
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Lookaway CMS v1 has arrived.

The bleeding edge version of Lookaway CMS has been live on for the past couple of weeks for live testing until today. The release_v1_candidate branch of the Lookaway CMS Github repository has been merged into the master branch along with a few polishes and fixes. A few minor bugs were found and fixed thanks to the efforts and participation of our testers. A final test was done today that involved spinning up an instance in a fresh environment, following the instructions on the Lookaway CMS info page in the Lookaway Zine (this was updated and should be correct).

Looking ahead, barring any critical database bugs, there will be no changes to the database schema until v2 is released. Continuous updates will be merged into the master branch between major releases. These will include updates to the requirements.txt which should be pulled and installed to keep up with security updates to the many modules used by Lookaway CMS.

In order to adhere to convention, the initial release is v.1.1.1, the next security/bug update will be v1.1.2, the next feature update will be v1.2.1, and bleeding edge versions will end in 0.
For example, bleeding edge version for v1.0 will be v1.1.0.

If you run into issues or have discovered a bug please leave a comment on Github or PM kbruder Tech on our Discord server. I am happy to continue to support this project indefinately.