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Setting up the development environment for this repository is relatively simple. Start out by cloning this repository and then follow the 3 steps below.

Importing project

  1. Search for and install Eclipse Java Neon 3
  2. Open Eclipse and click the x on the welcome tab to close it
  3. Create a new Java project by clicking File>New>Java Project
  4. Uncheck "Use default location", click browse, and navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository
  5. Name the project anything you want and then click finish on the dialog

Installing wpilib

  1. Click Help>Install New Software>Add
  2. Put in "FRC Plugins" for the name
  3. Put in for the Location
  4. Select Okay
  5. Select Finish
  6. Restart Eclipse

Installing required libraries

Follow the instructions in the easy_install folder in this repository