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How to run on

To run the Slick REPL on, use the "Run" button, or type ./slick in the terminal panel. To run a script, run ./slick <file>. To load a module from within the REPL, use the command :load "<file>". We wrote a few demo scripts/modules to show you what Slick code looks like. Try running the following:

  • From the Bash terminal: ./slick demos/

  • From inside the REPL: :load "demos/", then try running fibonacci, fibonacci 8, factorial, factorial 7, etc.

Slick quick links

  • Read a quick overview of Slick below and a slightly more detailed one here.

  • To learn how to use Slick, check out our 10-minute tutorial here.

  • The full Slick language reference can be found here.

  • For type-savvy enthusiasts and theorists, you can read about Slick's type system here. This document is mostly up-to-date, but there are some recent changes like patterns which aren't in it.

Slick in a nutshell

Slick is a functional programming language developed initially for's language jam.

In most existing languages, safety and ease of use are at opposite ends of a spectrum. Languages like Python and JS are easy to hack with, concise, and beginner-friendly, but they allow all sorts of runtime errors (in particular, type errors), and behavior can be consequently unpredictable. Languages like C++, Java, and Rust provide additional type safety, preventing invalid expressions like "hi" + 1 at compile time, but they require complicated type annotations, are far more verbose, and pose a higher barrier to programming beginners. Even developers who primarily code in untyped languages like Python or JS have seen the virtue of static type analysis, as evidenced by the popularity of Typescript and static analyzers like Flow or mypy.

Slick tries to combine the best of both worlds: a concise, dynamic-feeling, versatile coding style combined with the safety of static types. We achieve this goal using two concepts from functional-programming research: type inference and row polymorphism/structural typing. (If those phrases don't mean anything to you, don't worry! You don't need to understand them to use its features.) These tools allow Slick to be virtually as simple, expressive, and flexible as vanilla Python--requiring no type-annotations whatsoever--while still providing a mechanism for type-checking and type-safety.

The gist of how it works is this: when you write down an expression like a + b, we can tell without evaluating the code that a and b must be numbers-- since + only works on numbers. Slick takes this idea to the next level, allowing type inference to be done on arbitrary structures (a.k.a. "records") as well as variants (a.k.a. "tagged unions", "sum types", "parametrized enums"). Here is where Slick shines relative to other language with type-inference, like Haskell and OCaml: you can write an expression like x.my_field, and the type-checker can infer, without knowing what value x is, that it must be a record type containing a field named my_field. Of course, it may also contain other fields--so we say x is an open record type containing a field named my_field. That type is denoted by

{ ρ | my_field : α }

(the α denotes that my_field has a type α). If you then write something like x.my_field + y.other_field, it can combine different pieces of information to infer that x has type { ρ1 | my_field : Int } and y has type { ρ2 | other_field : Int }.

Try it out! Type the following commands into the Slick REPL (the syntax \x -> ... defines an anonymous function, like (x) => ... in JS or lambda x: ... in Python):

slick> \x -> x.my_field
<function> : ({ρ22 | my_field : α23} -> α23)

slick> \{x, y} -> x.my_field + y.other_field
<function> : ({x : {ρ26 | my_field : Int}, y : {ρ28 | other_field : Int}} -> Int)

(The function type signature a -> b indicates that f takes in a value of type a and outputs a value of type b.)

This ability to infer and check types on arbitrary structures is what allows Slick to feel as versatile as Python, while still providing the static-typing guarantees that languages like Haskell, OCaml, and Rust provide. Moreover, it allows Slick to not only be a beginner friendly language but also an excellent education language: it allows programming newcomers to write simple, straightforward code (a la Python) while still introducing them to the concepts of type-safety, without requiring them to understand types in the first place.

Here are some more expressions you can try running in the REPL! See if you can guess what they do, and guess what their types are before you run them...

  • \x -> x (this is a function--what happens if you apply it? try (\x -> x) 3)

  • \x -> (\y -> x) (what about (\x -> (\y -> x)) 3? ((\x -> \y -> x) "hi") 5?)

  • \{a, b} -> a + b (what about \x -> x.a + x.b?)

  • {a=3, b="bar"} (now try {a=3, b="bar"}.b)

  • True, False, Some 3

  • print "hello world!"

  • \x -> case x: | True -> False | False -> True

  • \x -> case x % 2: | 0 -> Even | 1 -> Odd

  • \x -> {x | new_key="hi"} (the {a | k=v} syntax is called record extension. not sure what that means? try (\x -> {x | new_key="hi"}) {a=3}.)

How to build and run locally

Fetch repository

git clone

Install opam (skip if using other package manager for OCaml)

  • macOS (Homebrew):

    • brew install opam
    • opam init -c 4.10.0, follow instructions to setup
  • Linux:

    • use your OS's package manager to install opam:

      • Ubuntu: apt-get install opam

      • Nix: nix-env -i opam.

      • Fedora/CentOS/RHEL: yum install opam (I just guessed this one, might be wrong)

    • opam init -c 4.10.0, follow instructions

  • Windows:

    • I honestly don't know. As far as I can tell, you're on your own. Why not use WSL?

Install OCaml packages

  • opam:

    • opam install dune

    • dune external-lib-deps src to list all of Slick's library dependencies. Then run opam install <pkgs...>. As of writing, that looks like

      opam install cmdliner containers fmt linenoise ppx_deriving zarith
    • opam pin containers 2.7, because we're old and obsolete and using an outdated version of containers. Sorry--we'll update soon.

  • Nix shell:

    • Simply run nix-shell from the project root after cloning.

Compile and run!

  • dune build to build everything (libraries and executables)

  • dune build src/exe to build the Slick REPL executable

  • dune exec slick to build and run the Slick REPL


Help! I don't understand this error message!

Yeah... sorry about that. We were so busy implementing other cool language features we haven't gotten around to making the error messages very informative yet. For now, here's a rule-of-thumb to decipher what they mean, sort of:

  • Exception Not_found: something went wrong during runtime, or evaluation. This kind of error should rarely occur, unless we did our type-checking wrong (which we may have--this project is very much a work-in-progress).

  • subsumes: unimplemented types: a type error. Most likely you are trying to apply a function to an argument of an incompatible type, e.g. "hi" + 3 (+ only acts on integers and cannot be applied to the string "hi").

  • lookup_var: ...: Most likely you are using a variable that hasn't been defined in a particular scope, e.g., in \x -> y, y has not been defined.

  • syntax error: some sort of parsing/lexing-related error. Try adding parentheses around certain expressions--in particular, around the right-hand-side of function expressions and case branches, e.g. (\x -> ( ... ), | <pattern> -> ( ... )).

We will, we promise, get to improving the error messages soon--and we assure you, they will be some of the best you've ever seen.

Why is Slick so slow?

Because we haven't gotten around to optimizing it yet, at all. Currently, Slick is an interpreted language, and its type-checker and evaluator/runtime are largely a proof-of-concept, implemented in considerably inefficient ways. Eventually, we will get around to rewriting those parts of Slick to be more efficient, and we also plan to look into adding a compilation target (most likely via LLVM) to Slick.

What do you mean by "static" safety? Aren't the errors still occurring when I try to run the code?


  • We take heavy inspiration from well-established functional programming languages like Haskell and OCaml. We also take a ton of inspiration from Python for feature ideas and our syntax design.

  • We stumbled on the idea of row polymorphism (and their benefits & implementation) from languages like Elm (polymorphic records) and OCaml (polymorphic variants).

  • Much of the language's motivation and design philosophy was inspired by work during @kwshi's internship at Bloomberg. (The code and implementation of Slick are completely original, independent of the code written at Bloomberg, but many of the ideas take after the Bloomberg "in spirit".) Ditto that of Awake Security's internal language at @cole-k's internship. Thanks, guys, for properly indoctrinating us on row types.

  • This cool bidirectional-type-inference paper:


(toy) typed functional programming language







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