It's been thirty years since the release of AV-Bible for Windows (also known as AV-1995). In its day, it was the first free bible software with a graphical user interface that ran on Microsoft Windows. This "Freeware" was maintained for more than a decade (AV-1996, AV-1997, ...). Eventually, it evolved into a software development kit (SDK). Accordingly, it was renamed Digital-AV some years ago.
You can rely on its foundation, with decades of deployments and text validation. Digital-AV has travelled the world and back with feedback from Christian missionaries. They used it in their ministries. In return, I recieved treasured quality-control feedback. By 2008, all of the textual bugs had been ironed out. Not coincidentally, 2008 was the first realease of the SDK. Never making a dime, and pouring a healthy chuck of my life into it: this has been a labor of love.
It's been over four hundred years since the original printing of the KJV bible, but I can assure you that I will not be maintaining Digital-AV four hundred years from now.
However, I am pleased to announce the availability of a brand new release of Digital-AV. The format has been drastically simplified to enable easy deserialization, but with no loss of features. This streamlined packaging is dubbed as the Omega release of the SDK. The documentation and format is different enough that it warranted a new name (it functionally replaces Z-Series; and Ω is obviously the only that cab be said to follow Z).
Each revision of the SDK can be found in this repository. Current releases can be found in the /omega/ folder; the Z-Series releases are still available in /z-series/ and more historical releases can be found in /legacy/
The Digital-AV SDK is now a single 19mb file that manifests the entire text of the bible, including Strong's numbers, Lemmatizations, Part-of-Speech tags, and other linguistic features. But even with all of that, it's still the KJV Bible at the core.
The new SDK documentation can be found here:Ω51.pdf
The SDK includes a foundations folder, with language-specific implementations of SDK artifacts. Initially, these included only C++ and Rust. If you poke around in the repo, you will find the source generators in the /z-series/generation folder. However, the generated source itself can be found in /omega/foundations, but only the C# version is actually battle-tested. And this is the variant that is not code-generated.
Finally, all of the text in each of these digital editions remains faithful to the original AV Bible and the orthography is consistent with the 1769 edition.
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. -- Psalm 68:11
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