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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 9, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: kutny/tracy-bundle

Tracy minimal required version changed to 2.4

30 Jan 19:49
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Merge pull request #20 from mvrhov/patch-3

To use updated error handler signature

Symfony 4 support

28 Nov 20:02
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Merge pull request #19 from mvrhov/patch-2

Allow symfony 4

Support newer versions of tracy.

08 Jul 09:44
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Merge pull request #17 from mvrhov/patch-2

Support newer versions of tracy.

Listener priority set to -1

28 Feb 07:25
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If we don't set priority to -1 in 3.3 this listener gets called before the FirewallException listener.
This is problematic as the way listeners are called is different in sf 3.3 and this one gets called first and this means that if one opens the url that doesn't have permissions to it's not redirected to login page but 403 error is thrown.

I hope that we won't break something else with this.

Symfony Security bundle is now optional

27 Nov 07:06
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Symfony 3 support added

17 Nov 17:57
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Merge pull request #10 from mvrhov/sf3

Symfony 3.0 support. This will work with security component from symfony 2.6 up

Bundle respects Symfony's ExceptionController in production

15 Aug 20:50
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Missing symfony/security dependency added

"Ignored Exceptions" option added

22 Jul 11:34
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I've replaced the two exceptions that are ignored now by a feature called ignored exceptions. That are the exceptions that tracy should ignore.
This is useful when you have an api and you are returning something like BadRequest qhen the consumer has done something wrong.

Username of logged user is stored in Tracy debug output

04 Jun 06:52
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store_username_in_server_variable option added

Stores username of logged user in $_SERVER['SYMFONY_USERNAME'] - helps you to find out which user encountered the error

Better exceptions logging in console

30 Jan 16:24
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Exceptions thrown in console are now logged to exceptions_directory