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serialize the **** out of your data. JSON API v1.0 compliant.


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a node.js library for serializing your data to JSON API v1.0 compliant documents, inspired by jsonapi-serializer. this library makes no assumptions regarding your choice of ORM/ODM, or the structure of your data. simply define your types and how their related and let this library do the heavy lifting.


npm install --save json-api-ify

Getting Started

Create a new reusable serializer.

var Serializer = require('json-api-ify');

let serializer = new Serializer({
    baseUrl: '',
    topLevelMeta: {
        'api-version': 'v1.0.0'

Define a type. (read more about options below)

serializer.define('users', {
    id: '_id',
    blacklist: [
    links: {
        self(resource, options, cb) {
            let link = options.baseUrl + '/users/' +;
            cb(null, link);
    meta: {
        nickname(resource, options, cb) {
            let nickname = 'lil ' + resource.attributes.first;
            cb(null, nickname);
    processResource(resource, cb) {
        return cb(null, resource.toObject());
    topLevelLinks: {
        self(options, cb) {
            let link = options.baseUrl + '/users';
            cb(null, link);
        next(options, cb) {
            let link = options.baseUrl + '/users';
            if (options.nextPage) {
                link += '?page=' + options.nextPage;
            cb(null, link);
    topLevelMeta: {
        total(options, cb) {
}, function(err) {
    // check for definition errors

Get a hold of some data that needs to be serialized.

let data = [new User({
    first: 'Kendrick',
    last: 'Lamar',
    email: '[email protected]',
    password: 'elkjqe0920oqhvrophepohiwveproihgqp398yr9pq8gehpqe9rf9q8er',
    phone: {
        home: '+18001234567',
        mobile: '+180045678910'
    address: {
        addressLine1: '406 Madison Court',
        zipCode: '49426',
        country: 'USA'
}), new User({
    first: 'Kanye',
    last: 'West',
    email: '[email protected]',
    password: 'asdlkj2430r3r0ghubwf9u3rbg9u3rbgi2q3oubgoubeqfnpviquberpibq',
    phone: {
        home: '+18002345678',
        mobile: '+18007890123'
    address: {
        addressLine1: '361 Shady Lane',
        zipCode: '23185',
        country: 'USA'

Serialize it

serializer.serialize('users', data, function(err, payload) {

Or, use it in a route

function(req, res) {{
        users: function findUsers(fn) {
                .skip(parseInt( || 0) * 10)

        count: function countUsers(fn) {

        payload: ['users', 'count', function serialize(fn, results) {
            serializer.serialize('users', results.users, {
                total: results.count,
                nextPage: ( || 1) + 1
            }, fn);
    }, function(err, payload) {
        if (err) {
            return res.json(500, {errors: [{
                status: 500,
                detail: err.message
        res.json(200, payload);

Response body:

    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "next": ""
    "data": [
            "type": "users",
            "id": "54735750e16638ba1eee59cb",
            "attributes": {
                "first": "Kendrick",
                "last": "Lamar",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": {
                    "home": "+18001234567"
                "address": {
                    "addressLine1": "406 Madison Court",
                    "zipCode": "49426",
                    "country": "USA"
            "relationships": {},
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "meta": {
                "nickname": "lil Kendrick"
            "type": "users",
            "id": "5490143e69e49d0c8f9fc6bc",
            "attributes": {
                "first": "Kanye",
                "last": "West",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": {
                    "home": "+18002345678"
                "address": {
                    "addressLine1": "361 Shady Lane",
                    "zipCode": "23185",
                    "country": "USA"
            "relationships": {},
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "meta": {
                "nickname": "lil Kanye"
    "included": [],
    "meta": {
        "api-version": "v1.0.0",
        "total": 2


A type can have multiple serialization schemas, which you can create by calling define with a schema name. Any schema options provided will augment the default schema.

serializer.define('users', 'names-only', {
    whitelist: [
}, callback);
serializer.serialize('users', 'names-only', data, function(err, payload) {
    "links": {
        "self": ""
    "data": [
            "type": "users",
            "id": "54735750e16638ba1eee59cb",
            "attributes": {
                "first": "Kendrick",
                "last": "Lamar"
            "relationships": {},
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "meta": {
                "nickname": "lil Kendrick"
            "type": "users",
            "id": "5490143e69e49d0c8f9fc6bc",
            "attributes": {
                "first": "Kanye",
                "last": "West"
            "relationships": {},
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "meta": {
                "nickname": "lil Kanye"
    "included": [],
    "meta": {
        "api-version": "v1.0.0"


Relationships are easy as well. First, include a relationship map in your type/schema options.

serializer.define('users', {
    // ..
    relationships: {
        groups: {
            type: 'groups',
            include: true,
            links: {
                self(resource, options, cb) {
                    let link = options.baseUrl + '/users/' + + '/relationships/groups';
                    cb(null, link);
                related(resource, options, cb) {
                    let link = options.baseUrl + '/users/' + + '/groups';
                    cb(null, link);
    // ..
}, callback);

Lastly, define the related type.

serializer.define('groups', {
    // ..
    relationships: {
        users: {
            type: 'users',
            include: true,
            schema: 'names-only',
            links: {
                self(resource, options, cb) {
                    let link = options.baseUrl + '/groups/' + + '/relationships/users';
                    cb(null, link);
                related(resource, options, cb) {
                    let link = options.baseUrl + '/groups/' + + '/users';
                    cb(null, link);
    // ..
}, callback);


extract the data from a payload in a slightly more usable fashion

let payload = {
    data: {
        type: 'user',
        attributes: {
            first: 'a$ap',
            last: 'ferg',
            email: '[email protected]',
            phone: {
                home: '1-111-111-1111'
        relationships: {
            groups: {
                data: [{
                    type: 'group',
                    id: '56cd74546033f8d420bc1c11'
                    type: 'group',
                    id: '56cd74546033f8d420bc1c12'
serializer.deserialize(payload, function(err, data) { /* .. */ });

here, data would look like:

    "user": {
        "first": "a$ap",
        "last": "ferg",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": {
            "home": "1-111-111-1111"
        "groups": [{
            "_id": "56cd74546033f8d420bc1c11"
            "_id": "56cd74546033f8d420bc1c12"
    "groups": [{
        "_id": "56cd74546033f8d420bc1c11"
        "_id": "56cd74546033f8d420bc1c12"


Constructor Summary


constructs a new serializer instance

Param Type Description
[options] {Object} global options. see serialize() options for more detail

Method Summary

define(type, [schema], options, callback)

defines a type serialization schema

Param Type Description
type {String} the resource type
[schema] {String} the serialization schema to use. defaults to default
options {Object} schema options
callback(err) {Function} a function that receives any definition error.

deserialize(payload, callback)

deserializes the data attribute of the payload

Param Type Description
payload {Object} a valid JSON API payload
callback(err, data) {Function} a function that receives any deserialization error and the extracted data.

serialize(type, [schema], data, [options], callback)

serializes data into a JSON API v1.0 compliant document

Param Type Description
type {String} the resource type
[schema] {String} the serialization schema to use. defaults to default
data {*} the data to serialize
[options] {Object} single use options. these options will be merged with the global options, default schema options, and any applicable non-default schema options
callback(err, payload) {Function} a function that receives any serialization error and JSON API document.
    // an array of string paths to omit from the resource, this option
    // includes relationships that you may wish to omit
    blacklist: [],

     // the path to the primary key on the resource
    id: 'id',

    // a map of resource links
    links: {
        // asynchronous
        self(resource, options, cb) {
            // each key can be a value to set, or asynchronous function that
            // receives the processed resource, serialization options, and
            // a callback that should pass any error and the link value
            cb(null, link);
        // synchronous
        self(resource, options) {
            return options.baseUrl + '/api/users/'  +;

    // a map of meta members
    meta: {
        // asynchronous
        self(resource, options, cb) {
            // each key can be a value to set, or asynchronous function that
            // receives the processed resource, serialization options, and
            // a callback that should pass any error and the meta value
            cb(null, meta);
        // synchronous
        self(resource, options) {
            return meta;

    // preprocess your resources
    // all resources must be objects, otherwise they're assumed to be
    // unpopulated ids. NOTE!! If you're working with mongoose models,
    // unpopulated ids can be objects, so you will need to convert them
    // to strings
    processResource(resource, /* cb */) {
        if (typeof resource.toJSON === 'function') {
            resource = resource.toJSON();
        } else if (resource instanceof mongoose.Types.ObjectId) {
            resource = resource.toString();
        return resource;

    // relationship configuration
    relationships: {
        // each key represents a resource path that points to a
        // nested resource or collection of nested resources
        'groups': {
            // the type of resource
            type: 'groups',

            // whether or not to include the nested resource(s)
            include: true,

            // optionally specify a non-default schema to use
            schema: 'my-schema',

            // a map of links to define on the relationship object
            links: {
                self(resource, options, cb) {

                related(resource, options, cb) {


    // a map of top-level links
    topLevelLinks: {
        self(options, cb) {


    // a map of top-level meta members
    meta: {
        total(options, cb) {


    // an array of string paths to pick from the resource. this option
    // overrides any specified blacklist and also includes relationships
    whitelist: [],

serializeError(error, [meta], [defaultStatusCode]) => {object} document

serializes any error into a JSON API v1.0 compliant error document. error can be anything, this method will attempt to intelligently construct a valid JSON API error object. the return document will contain a top level meta member with a status attribute that represents the status code with the greatest frequency.

Param Type Description
error {*} the error data to serialize
[meta] {Object} any top level meta information
[defaultStatusCode] `{Number String}`
function(req, res) {
        // ..
    ], function(err, payload) {
        let status = 200;
        if (err) {
            payload = serializer.serializeError(err);
            status = payload.meta.status;
        res.json(status, payload);


The serializer inherits from node's EventEmitter. Below is a summary of the events exposed by this library.


The global error event.

Param Type Description
error {Object} the error object
serializer.on('error', function(error) {

To Do

  • implement jsonapi top-level member
  • implement deserialize method
  • implement support for unpopulated relationships (an id, or array of ids)
  • implement templates


run tests

npm test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2016 Chris Ludden.
Licensed under the MIT license.