Export Google Sheet to Pandas dataframe
pip install gsheetdf
Obtain a Google oauth2 or service account credential file.
If using service account authentication, ensure the service account email is added to the Google Sheet.
from gsheetdf import get_service_account_credentials, export_sheet_to_dataframe
# file id (can be found in url, e.g. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/FILE_ID )
# service account credential file
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = os.path.expanduser("/path/to/keys/project-6c3bd3f37392.json")
# create credential object
credentials get_service_account_credentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE)
# creates a pandas dataframe from the google sheet
df = export_sheet_to_dataframe(FILE_ID, credentials)
- Authentication flow occurs on code execution - choose the google account that has access to the document.
https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials -> Create credentials -> Oauthclient ID
Select options:
- Application type = Other
- Name = whatever you want
Creates and downloads credential file with name format
With service account authentication:
- Google Doc must be shared with the service account email
- No additional authentication step needed on code execution
https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials -> Create credentials -> Service account key
Select options:
- service account: App engine default service account (or custom service account if you have created one)
- Key type = JSON
Creates and downloads a credential file with name format project-xxx.json