Activates NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Minikube.
- Mac OS X 10.14+
- Minikube 1.2.0+
curl -sL > minikube-nfs && \
chmod +x minikube-nfs && \
mv minikube-nfs /usr/local/bin
- Virtualbox
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Usage: $ minikube-nfs [options]
-f, --force Force reconfiguration of nfs
-p, --profile Minikube profile to use (default to 'minikube')
-n, --nfs-config NFS configuration to use in /etc/exports. (default to '-alldirs -mapall=$(id -u):$(id -g)')
-s, --shared-folder,... Folder to share (default to /Users)
-m, --mount-opts NFS mount options (default to 'noacl,async,nfsvers=3')
-i, --use-ip-range Changes the nfs export ip to a range (e.g. -network becomes -network 192.168.99)
--ip Configures the minikube machine to connect to your host machine via a specific ip address
$ minikube-nfs
> Configure the /Users folder with NFS
$ minikube-nfs test
> Configure the /Users folder with NFS in minikube profile named "test"
$ minikube-nfs --shared-folder=/Users --shared-folder=/var/www
> Configures the /Users and /var/www folder with NFS
$ minikube-nfs --shared-folder=/var/www --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=0"
> Configure the /var/www folder with NFS and the options '-alldirs -maproot=0'
$ minikube-nfs --mount-opts="noacl,async,nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=1"
> Configure the /User folder with NFS and specific mount options.
$ minikube-nfs --ip
> minikube machine will connect to your host machine via this address
Heavily inspired by docker-machine-nfs.