A HOOMD-blue plugin for Collective Mode Brownian Dynamics to accelerate the equilibrium sampling of soft matter systems. CMBD has been tested to work with HOOMD 2.4 in single precision on Linux.
See the following paper for details about the theory and implementation:
K. S. Silmore and J. W. Swan, "Collective mode Brownian dynamics: A method for fast relaxation of statistical ensembles", J. Chem. Phys. 152, 094104 (2020). doi: 10.1063/1.5129648
HOOMD-blue installation instructions and software requirements can can be found here. After creating the build directory and running cmake
, you should run the command ccmake .
inside the build directory and ensure that the following options are enabled:
Specifically, the COPY_HEADERS
option is necessary to compile the plugin.
Depending on where you intalled HOOMD, you may need to point python to its location by updating the PYTHONPATH
environment variable in your terminal session or your .bashrc
After downloading the plugin code, edit the following line in the FindHOOMD.cmake
so that HOOMD can be found and relevant compilation configuration settings can be automatically detected:
set(HOOMD_ROOT [HOOMD_INSTALL]/hoomd CACHE FILEPATH "Directory containing a hoomd installation (i.e. _hoomd.so)")
Alternatively, you can issue the cmake
command below with the option -DHOOMD_ROOT=[HOOMD_INSTALL]/hoomd
Next, issue the following commands to create a build directory, compile the plugin, and install the plugin in the hoomd installation directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j4
make install
CMBD can be called like most of the other integration schemes in HOOMD.
import hoomd.md
import numpy as np
import hoomd.collective_mode
# CMBD strength
alpha = 0.5
# define a set of 3 wavevectors to excite of wavenumber kval
ks = np.array([[0,0,kval],[0,kval,0],[kval,0,0]])
hoomd.collective_mode.integrate.collective(group=group.all(), kT=kT, ks=ks, seed=seed, alpha=alpha)
- Requires CUDA (no CPU implementation)
- Simulation box must be rectangular and must not change throughout the course of the simulation