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Kathryn Schuler edited this page May 6, 2016 · 4 revisions

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cd Downloads
curl -O
cd ..
bash Downloads/

Answer 'yes' to all of the questions.

To start using Miniconda, you'll need to close the terminal and reopen it. Once you have done so, check that Miniconda is installed by typing

conda info

Miniconda makes itself the default version of python in the terminal. You can check by typing

which python

Make sure that conda and python are up to date.

conda update conda

Required packages

Psychopy & Friends

conda install -c erik psychopy=1.80.01dev

** Here you want to add your own conda recipe ** ** you need to figure out how to include pandas (easy) and pyglet (version 1.2.4) ** Answer 'yes' to all questions. This will take a while - it is downloading all of the packages necessary for psychopy

Pyglet (if you have OSX 10.10)

If you are using OSX 10.10 or higher, the Pyglet version that Erik's conda recipe pulls has an error in the way that it inspects versions. (It checks 10.10 < 10.6, and assumes you are using an OSX version older than 10.6). You might need to pull an updated pyglet version.


Erik's conda install for psychopy gets just about every packages that psychopy requires except Pygame. Pygame is a really awesome package that has a really great development community. But getting it installed can be kind of a bear. The first big problem is that it requires a bunch of dependencies that are hard to get right in conda. The best way to get these is to use homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install sdl sdl_ttf sdl_image sdl_mixer portmidi

The second big problem is that the official repository for Pygame doesn't build properly on OSX. So we have to retrieve Pygame from a special place (binstar).

conda install binstar
conda install -c pygame

after you conda install binstar, conda might tell you that binstar has a new name. You might need to try

conda install anaconda-client

and then install pygame

conda install -c pygame

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