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Cloud Region Shortener

Abbreviate region names of cloud providers in a standardized way.


  • Convert (long) region names to abbreviated form
  • Specify a maximum length for abbreviations
  • Select from different abbreviation styles (set default style)



import { getShortRegion } from 'cloud-region-shortener'

// weu

More Options

import { getShortRegion, Styles } from 'cloud-region-shortener'

// --- MaxLength ---
// ncuss

console.log(getShortRegion('northcentralusstage', Styles.standard, 4));
// ncus 

// ncus

// --- Style ---
console.log(getShortRegion('westeurope', Styles.iso3166)); // style not supported yet
// nl

setDefaultStyle(Styles.iso3166); // style not supported yet
console.log(getShortRegion('westeurope')); // style not supported yet
// nl


The following will demonstrate different style types and rules using regions germanywestcentral and eastus2stage as an example.

Example Region Standard ISO 3166
germanywestcentral gewc ``
eastus2stage eus2s


Abbreviates the long region name 'as is', while following these rules:

  1. A (long) region name is first split into sections.
  2. Each section is then abbreviated according to different rules.
  3. Afterwards abbreviated section are concatenated in the same order


  • country / continent
    • always two first characters of section
      germanywestcentral, ==> germany = ge
      eastus2stage, ==> us = us
  • cardinal directions / secondard geographic specifier
    • one character per section
      germanywest central: westcentral ==> wc
      eastus2stage: east ==> e
  • enumerator
    • enumerator is always kept as is (if present)
      germanywestcentral: -
      eastus2stage: 2 ==> 2
  • special characteristic
    • one character per section
      germanywestcentral: -
      eastus2stage: stage ==> s


⚠️ Warning

Not implemented yet

Supported Regions

Azure Region Name Standard
eastus eus
eastus2 eus2
southcentralus scus
westus2 wus2
westus3 wus3
australiaeast aue
southeastasia seas
northeurope neu
swedencentral swc
uksouth uks
westeurope weu
centralus cus
northcentralus ncus
westus wus
southafricanorth san
centralindia cin
eastasia eas
japaneast jae
jioindiawest jinw
koreacentral koc
canadacentral cac
francecentral frc
germanywestcentral gewc
norwayeast noe
switzerlandnorth swn
uaenorth uan
brazilsouth brs
centralusstage cuss
eastusstage euss
eastus2stage eus2s
northcentralusstage ncuss
southcentralusstage scuss
westusstage wuss
westus2stage wus2s
asia as
asiapacific asp
australia au
brazil br
canada ca
europe eu
france fr
germany ge
global gl
india in
japan ja
korea ko
norway no
southafrica saf
switzerland sw
uae ua
uk uk
unitedstates us
eastasiastage eass
southeastasiastage seass
centraluseuap cuse
eastus2euap eus2e
westcentralus wcus
southafricawest safw
australiacentral auc
australiacentral2 auc2
australiasoutheast ause
japanwest jaw
jioindiacentral jinc
koreasouth kos
southindia sin
westindia win
canadaeast cae
francesouth frs
germanynorth gen
norwaywest now
switzerlandwest swe
ukwest ukw
uaecentral uac
brazilsoutheast brse
