allows passing a network devices VFs as exact names into kubevirt without a CNI. CNIs do things we dont need and confuse cilium and kubevirts builtin device plugin picks a random vf. instead this plugin registers each VF as a separate resource to k8s
it is assumed that all VFs are bound to vfio-pcie and preconfigured with mac filters on the host. the plugin doesnt do any of that. it only creates the glue to make them available to kubevirt
after installing the plugin you get in node resources:
kr-vf/eth0-vf0: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf1: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf2: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf3: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf4: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf5: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf6: 1
kr-vf/eth0-vf7: 1
which can be passed into kubevirt as
- deviceName: kr-vf/eth0-vf1
name: eth0
uses code borrowed from