Get teamviewer's ID and password from a remote computer in the LAN
This program gets teamviewer's ID and password from a remote computer in the LAN.
Most useful for postexploitation or sysadmins
Tested on windows 7 and windows 10 x86 and x64
Download binaries from releases folder
You must have valid credentials on the remote computer Port 445 must be accesible on target machine Teamviewer must be installed on target machine, you can get id and password from a temporary teamviewer execution also but you need to modify the code
hook.exe must be in same folder as get_Team_Pass.exe If execution fails execute again until you get the ID and password
get_Team_Pass.exe -h for printing the help get_Team_Pass.exe -t [targetIp] -u [Username] -p [UsernamePassword] -d [usernameDomain] # -d parameter is optional get_Team_Pass.exe -t -u administrator -p Password2018 get_Team_Pass.exe -t -u administrator -p Password2018 -d domain
This commands will generate files get_Team_Pass and hook.exe
pip install -r extras/requirements.txt
pyinstaller --onefile --icon=k.ico --version-file=get_Team_Pass_Version.txt
pyinstaller --onefile --icon=k.ico --version-file=hook_Version.txt
The checksum of the files can be found on the corresponding releases folder
This program uses pywinauto lib to get the ID and password from the graphical teamviewer window
It also uses psexec, so if execution fails, test this command: psexec.exe -u user -p password \\targetip cmd -accepteula
if the command works, this tool should work
Reduce the final size of the compiled files
Add more exception handling
Add network range capabilities to check all computers in a lan
In the future if teamviewer is not found in the remote machine, inject it
Add linux support