Multimodule including all the libraries that are part of the korlibs.
If you like the project, or want your company logo here, please consider becoming a sponsor ★,
in addition to ensure the continuity of the project, you will get exclusive content.
This repository is for core-devs only. If you want to contribute to any lib,
please download the korge-next
repository and make a PR there.
We will manually merge your changes to each repo on the next release.
Remember to download the modules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- klock - Date and Time Library
- kds - Data Structures Library
- kmem - Fast Memory and bit utilities
- korinject - Asynchronous dependency injector
- krypto - Cryptographic library
- klogger - Logger library
- kbignum - BigInteger and BigDecimal library for common
- kgl/korag/korgw/korui - Accelerated Grahphics, UI and Game Window
- korge - 2D and 3D Game Engine
- kbox2d - Box2D port of JBox2D/Box2D physics engine
- kortemplate - Gradle Template used for all these projects (buildSrc/build.gradle and settings.gradle)