An entry management application in Django, that keeps track of visitors and notifies the host about new visitors. Post visit, visitors get detailed information about their visit. Notifications are sent via email and sms.
- Django 2.0 or above
- Python 3
- Bootstrap 4
Twilio- Communication APIs for SMS,Voice and Video Authentication :
Install Pip3 on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install python3-pip
Note: Ensure that you have Oracle JDK 11 installed
Install Django on Ubuntu:
pip3 install Django
install python django-common
Clone the repository:
Duplicate the project
Install twilio api:
pip3 install twilio
Add necessary fields in the file
Switch to the project directory and set up database:
python3 migrate
Start development server:
python3 runserver
- The site manager handles the flow of information. All necessary details must be specified in the file.
- Twilio account should be set up before use.
Visitor enters his details using the '+' button upon checkin. If the supplied credentials are in a valid format, the entry is added into the database.
Server time is recorded as the checkin time of the visitor.
Click on the 'Visitors' button to view the database
Host enters his details by clicking on the '+' button
The Host cannot modify his credentials himself. The site manager needs to visit the admin page and do the needful.
Upon entry of a new visitor, an email and sms is sent to the Host, the details of which are supplied by the Host,verified and hardcoded into the application code by the sitemanager.
Upon checkout, the user can edit the checkout field corresponding to his entry.
The complete details of his visit would now be sent on his registered email id and mobile number.
For testing purpose, the Email backed is redirected to the console
Upon successful delivery of the sms a 'success' message is displayed on the console
The 'FROM' field holds the site manager's email address/phone number.
The 'TO' field holds the visitor's/ host's email address/phone number as the case may be.