This is gensio (pronounced gen'-see-oh), a framework for giving a consistent view of various stream (and packet) I/O types. You create a gensio object (or a gensio), and you can use that gensio without having to know too much about what is going on underneath. You can stack gensio on top of another one to add protocol funcionality. For instance, you can create a TCP gensio, stack SSL on top of that, and stack Telnet on top of that. It supports a number of network I/O and serial ports. gensios that stack on other gensios are called filters.
You can do the same thing with receiving ports. You can set up a gensio accepter (accepter) to accept connections in a stack. So in our previous example, you can setup TCP to listen on a specific port and automatically stack SSL and Telnet on top when the connection comes in, and you are not informed until everything is ready.
A very important feature of gensio is that it makes establishing encrypted and authenticated connections much easier than without it. Beyond basic key management, it's really no harder than TCP or anything else. It offers extended flexibility for controlling the authentication process if needed. It's really easy to use.
Note that the gensio(5) man page has more details on individual gensio types.
This is a normal autoconf system, nothing special. Note that if you get this directly from git, you won't have the build infrastructure included. There is a script named "reconf" in the main directory that will create it for you.
If you don't know about autoconf, the INSTALL file has some info, or google it.
To fully build gensio, you need the following:
- swig - For python and go bindings
- python dev libraries - For python bindings
- go language installed in the path
- openssl dev libraries and executable - For all the crypto
- openipmi dev libraries - For IPMI serial over lan, if you want that. Note that you need a pretty recent one, really 2.0.31 or newer.
- libsctp dev library - For sctp support
- pkgconfig - If you want gensio to install its pkgconfig files.
- avahi dev - If you want gensio to have mdns support.
- pam dev - For support of logins with gtlsshd
- libwrap - for tcpd
- glib dev - for the glib os funcs
- tcl dev - for the tcl os funcs
The following sets everything except openipmi up on ubuntu 20.04:
- sudo apt install gcc g++ git swig python3-dev libssl-dev pkg-config
- libavahi-client-dev avahi-daemon libtool autoconf automake make libsctp-dev libpam-dev libwrap0-dev libglib2.0-dev tcl-dev
Handling python installation configuration is a bit of a pain. By default the build scripts will put it wherever the python program expects installed python programs to be. A normal user generally doesn't have write access to that directory.
To override this, you can use the --with-pythoninstall and --with-pythoninstalllib configure options or you can set the pythoninstalldir and pythoninstalllibdir environment variables to where you want the libraries and modules to go.
A couple of tools are available that use gensios, both as an example and for trying things out. These are:
- gensiot
- A tool for making basic gensio connections. You can create any arbitrary gensio setup you like. See gensiot(1) for details.
- gtlsshd
- An sshd-like daemon that uses certauth, ssl, and SCTP or TCP gensios for making connections. It uses standard PAM authentication and uses ptys. See gtlsshd(8) for details.
- gtlssh
- An ssh-like program that can connect to gtlsshd. It can also be used with ser2net to make establishing encrypted and authenticated connections easier. See gtlssh(1) for details.
The following gensios are available in the library:
- sctp
- Normal SCTP communication. Streams and out of bound data are supported. End of message demarcation is not supported because it doesn't currently work on Linux.
- tcp
- Normal TCP communication. Out of bound data is supported.
- udp
- Sort-of connection oriented UDP.
- stdio
- Access to either the calling program's stdio, or the ability to run a program and connect to its stdin, stdout, and stderr. NOTE: Do not use this for file I/O. Use the file gensio.
- file
- Used for accessing files. Allows both input and output file, and streams the data to/from the files. No accepter available.
- pty
- Run a program in a PTY and use the gensio to communicate with its tty. No accepter available.
- serialdev
- Connect to a device. It can hook to termios type devices, more than just serial ports. It also has a write-only option for talking to printer ports. No accepter available.
- ipmisol
- Connect to a remote over IPMI SOL. Full serial port capabilities are available. No accepter available, unfortunately.
- dummy
- An accepter that doesn't do anything except look like an accepter to the user. Useful in some situations where an accepter is expected but you don't need to do anything.
- echo
- A gensio that echos everything that is sent to it. Useful for testing. No accepter available.
- telnet
- A filter gensio that implements the telnet protocol. It can do full serial support with RFC2217.
- ssl
- Implement SSL/TLS as a gensio filter. It supports client authentication, too.
- certauth
- A user authentication protocol implemented as a gensio filter.
- mux
- A channel multiplexer. You can create channels on top of it using open_channel(). Channels work as normal gensio, so you can have a number of gensios running on top of a single gensio. It also has end-of-message demarcation and obviously full flow-control capability individually on each channel. If you just need a gensio with end-of-message demarcation, you can use this as without creating channels.
- msgdelim
- Converts an unreliable stream interface into an unreliable packet interface. This is primarily so a reliable packet interface like relpkt can run over a serial port. It does not support streaming of data, so it's not very useful by itself.
- relpkt
- Converts an unreliable packet interface to a reliable packet interface (that also supports streaming). Made for running over msgdelim. It will run over UDP, but it's not ideal for that because it doesn't do all the internet-friendly flow control and such that SCTP and TCP do.
- trace
- A transparent gensio that allows the data read and/or written to be sent to a file, either as raw data or as human-readable hex data. It can also be used to block data flowing in one or both directions.
- perf
- A gensio that can send/receive data on top of a stack of gensios and measure the throughput on the channel. The received data from perf is information about the channel throughput.
- conacc
A gensio accepter that takes a gensio stack string as a parameter. This lets you use a gensio as an accepter. When conacc is started, it opens the gensio, and when the gensio opens it reports a new child for the accepter. When the child closes it attempts to open the child again and go through the process again (unless accepts have been disabled on conacc).
Why would you want to use this? Say in ser2net you wanted to connect one serial port to another. You could have a connection like:
connection: &con0 accepter: conacc,serialdev,/dev/ttyS1,115200 connector: serialdev,/dev/ttyS2,115200
And it would connect /dev/ttyS1 to /dev/ttyS2. Without conacc, you could not use serialdev as an accepter. It would also let you use gtlsshd on a serial port if you wanted encrypted authenticated logins over a serial port. If you ran gtlsshd with the following:
gtlsshd --notcp --nosctp --oneshot --nodaemon --other_acc 'conacc,relpkt(mode=server),msgdelim,/dev/ttyUSB1,115200n81'
You could connect with:
gtlssh --transport 'relpkt,msgdelim,/dev/ttyUSB2,115200n81' USB2
This creates a reliable packet transport over a serial port. The mode=server is required to make relpkt run as the server, since it would normally run as a client since it is not being started as an accepter. The ssl gensio (which runs over the transport) requires reliable communication, so it won't run directly over a serial port.
- mdns
- This gensio uses mDNS to lookup a service (protocol type, network type, port, address) and then connect to that service. If you have a program like ser2net that advertise mDNS service, you don't have to worry about finding port numbers and such, it's all handled for you.
- kiss
- An amateur radio protocol for talking to TNCs. This is used by AX25 in many cases.
- ax25
An amateur radio protocol for packet radio. To fully use this you would need to write code, since it uses channels and oob data for unnumbered information, but you can do basic things with just gensiot if all you need is one communication channel. For instance, if you wanted to chat with someone over the radio, and the kiss port is on 8001 on both machines, on the accepting machine you can run:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' -a \ 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-1),kiss,conacc,tcp,localhost,8001'
which will hook to the TNC and wait for a connection on address AE5KM-1. Then you could run:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' \ 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-2,addr="0,AE5KM-1,AE5KM-2"),kiss,tcp,localhost,8001
on the other machine. This will connect to the other machine over TNC 0 with the given address. Then anything you type in one will appear on the other, a line at a time. Type "Ctrl-D" to exit. The 'stdio(self)' part turns off raw mode, so it's a line at a time and you get local echo. Otherwise every character you types would send a packet and you couldn't see what you were typing.
Of course, this being gensio, you can put any workable gensio underneath ax25 that you would like. So if you want to play around or test without a radio, you could do ax25 over UDP multicast. Here's the accepter side:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' -a \ 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-1),conacc,'\ 'udp(mcast="ipv4,",laddr="ipv4,1234",nocon),'\ 'ipv4,,1234'
and here's the connector side:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-2,addr="0,AE5KM-1,AE5KM-2"),''udp(mcast="ipv4,",laddr="ipv4,1234",nocon),''ipv4,,1234'
kiss is not required because UDP is already a packet-oriented media. Or you can use the greflector program to create a simulated radio situation. On the machine "radiopi2", run:
greflector kiss,tcp,1234
which will create a program that will reflect all received input to all other connections. Then on the accepter side:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' -a \ 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-1),kiss,conacc,tcp,radiopi2,1234'
and the connecting side:
gensiot -i 'stdio(self)' \ 'ax25(laddr=AE5KM-2,addr="0,AE5KM-1,AE5KM-2"),kiss,tcp,radiopi2,1234'
The test code uses the reflector for some testing, since it's so convenient to use.
These are all documented in detail in gensio(5). Unless otherwise stated, these all are available as accepters or connecting gensios.
You can create your own gensios and register them with the library and stack them along with the other gensios.
The mdns gensio has already been discussed, but the gensio library provides an easy to use mDNS interface. The include file for it is in gensio_mdns.h, and you can use the gensio_mdns(3) man page to get more information on it.
To make an mdns connection using gensiot, say you have ser2net set up with mdns enabled like:
connection: &my-port
accepter: telnet(rfc2217),tcp,3001
connector: serialdev,/dev/ttyUSB1,115200N81
mdns: true
then you can connection to it with gensiot:
gensiot 'mdns,my-port'
gensiot will find the server, port, and whether telnet and rfc2217 are enabled and make the connection.
In addition, there is an gmdns tool that lets you do queries and advertising, and gtlssh can do mDNS queries to find services. If you have secure authenticated logins for ser2net, and you enable mdns on ser2net, like:
connection: &access-console
accepter: telnet(rfc2217),mux,certauth(),ssl,tcp,3001
connector: serialdev,/dev/ttyUSBaccess,115200N81
mdns: true
it makes the setup very convenient, as you can just do:
gtlssh -m access-console
That's right, you can just directly use the connection name, no need to know the host, whether telnet or rfc2217 is enabled, or what the port is. You still have to set up the keys and such on the ser2net server, of course, per those instructions.
gensio has an object oriented interface that is event-driven. Synchronous interfaces are also available. You deal with two main objects in gensio: a gensio and a gensio accepter. A gensio provides a communication interface where you can connect, disconnect, write, receive, etc.
A gensio accepter lets you receive incoming connections. If a connection comes in, it gives you a gensio.
The interface is event-driven because it is, for the most part, completely non-blocking. If you open a gensio, you give it a callback that will be called when the connection is up, or the connection fails. Same for close. A write will return the number of bytes accepted, but it may not take all the bytes (or even any of the bytes) and the caller must account for that.
The open and close interfaces have a secondary blocking interface for convenience. These end in _s. This is for convenience, but it's not necessary and use of these must be careful because you can't really use them from callbacks.
Speaking of callbacks, data and information coming from gensio to the user is done with a function callback. Read data, and when the gensio is ready for write data comes back in a callback. A similar interface is used for calling from the user to the gensio layer, but it is hidden from the user. This sort of interface is easily extensible, new operations can be easily added without breaking old interfaces.
The library provides several ways to create a gensio or gensio accepter. The main way is str_to_gensio() and str_to_gensio_accepter(). These provide a way to specify a stack of gensios or accepters as a string and build. In general, you should use this interface if you can.
In general, interfaces that are not performance sensitive are string based. You will see this in gensio_control, and in auxiliary data in the read and write interface to control certain aspects of the write.
The library also provides ways to set up your gensios by individually creating each one. In some situations this might be necessary, but it limits the ability to use new features of the gensio library as it gets extended.
If a gensio supports multiple streams (like SCTP), stream numbers are passed in the auxdata with "stream=n". Streams are not individually flow controlled.
Channels, on the other hand, are separate flows of data over the same connection. Channels are represented as separate gensios, and they can be individually flow controlled.
There are a few include files you might need to deal with when using gensios:
- gensio.h
- The main include files for gensios and gensio accepters.
- sergensio.h
- Serial port handling gensios and gensio accepters.
- gensio_os_funcs.h
- The definition for an OS handler.
- argvutils.h
- Many gensio functions take an argv array, this is utilities for dealing with argvs.
- gensio_selector.h
- A definition for a default OS handler.
These are for the most part documented in the man pages.
For creating your own gensios, the following include files are available for you:
- gensio_class.h
- The main include file for creating your own gensio.
- sergensio_class.h
- The main include file for creating your own serial port gensio.
- gensio_base.h
- This handles a lot of the boiler plate for a gensio. Most of the standard gensios use this. It splits the gensio function into an optional filter, and a lower layer interface called an ll.
- gensio_ll_fd.h
- An ll that provides most of the boilerplate for dealing with a file descriptor.
- gensio_ll_gensio.h
- An ll that provides all that is necessary for stacking a gensio on top of another gensio. The filter gensios (telnet, ssl, etc.) use this as the ll.
Each include file has lots of documentation about the individual calls and handlers.
gensio has it's own set of errors to abstract it from the OS errors (named GE_xxx) and provide more flexibility in error reporting. These are in the gensio_err.h include file (automatically included from gensio.h) and may be translated from numbers to a meaningful string with gensio_err_to_str(). Zero is defined to be not an error.
If an unrecongnized operating system error occurs, GE_OSERR is returned and a log is reported through the OS handler log interface.
One slightly annoying thing about gensio is that it requires you to provide an OS handler (struct gensio_os_funcs) to handle OS-type functions like memory allocation, mutexes, the ability to handle file descriptors, timers and time, and a few other things.
The library does provide several OS handlers. The get the default one for your system (POSIX or Windows) call gensio_default_os_hnd(). You can see that man page for more details. This will generally be the best performing option you have for your system.
For POSIX systems, OS handlers for glib and TCL are available, allocated with gensio_glib_funcs_alloc() and gensio_tcl_funcs_alloc(). These really don't work very well, especially from a performance point of view, the APIs for glib and TCL are not well designed for what gensio does. TCL can only support single-threaded operation. glib multithreaded operation only has one thread at a time waiting for I/O. But they do work, and the tests are run with them. These are not available on Windows because of poor abstractions on glib and because of lack of motivation on TCL.
But if you are using something else like X Windows, etc that has it's own event loop, you may need to adapt one for your needs. But the good thing is that you can do this, and integrate gensio with pretty much anything.
There is also a waiter interface that provides a convenient way to wait for things to occur while running the event loop. This is how you generally enter the event loop, because it provides a convenient way to signal when you are done and need to leave the loop.
Documentation for this is in:
To create a gensio, the general way to do this is to call
with a properly formatted string. The string is
formatted like so:
<type>[([<option>[,<option[...]]])][,<type>...][,<end option>[,<end option>]]
The end option
is for terminal gensios, or ones that are at the
bottom of the stack. For instance, tcp,localhost,3001
will create
a gensio that connects to port 3001 on localhost. For a serial port,
an example is serialdev,/dev/ttyS0,9600N81
will create a connection
to the serial port /dev/ttyS0.
This lets you stack gensio layers on top of gensio layers. For instance, to layer telnet on top of a TCP connection:
Say you want to enable RFC2217 on your telnet connection. You can add an option to do that:
When you create a gensio, you supply a callback with user data. When events happen on a gensio, the callback will be called so the user could handle it.
A gensio accepter is similar to a connecting gensio, but with
instead. The format is the same. For
will create a TCP accepter with telnet on top. For accepters, you generally do not need to specify the hostname if you want to bind to all interfaces on the local machine.
Once you have created a gensio, it's not yet open or operational. To use it, you have to open it. To open it, do:
struct gensio *io;
int rv;
rv = str_to_gensio("tcp,localhost,3001", oshnd,
tcpcb, mydata, &io);
if (rv) { handle error }
rv = gensio_open(io, tcp_open_done, mydata);
if (rv) { handle error }
Note that when gensio_open()
returns, the gensio is not open. You
must wait until the callback (tcp_open_done()
in this case) is
called. After that, you can use it.
Once the gensio is open, you won't immediately get any data on it
because receive is turned off. You must call
to turn on and off whether the
callback (tcpcb
in this case) will be called when data is received.
When the read handler is called, the buffer and length is passed in. You do not have to handle all the data if you cannot. You must update the buflen with the number of bytes you actually handled. If you don't handle data, the data not handled will be buffered in the gensio for later. Not that if you don't handle all the data, you should turn off the read enable or the event will immediately called again.
If something goes wrong on a connection, the read handler is called
with an error set. buf
and buflen
will be NULL in this case.
For writing, you can call gensio_write()
to write data. You may
use gensio_write()
at any time on an open gensio.
may not take all the data you write to it. The
parameter passes back the number of bytes actually taken in
the write call.
You can design your code to call
when you have data to send and
the gensio will call the write ready callback and you can write from
the callback. This is generally simpler, but enabling and disabling
the write callback adds some overhead.
A more efficient approach is to write data whenever you need to and have the write callback disabled. If the write operation returns less than the full request, the other end has flow-controlled and you should enable the write callback and wait until it is called before sending more data.
In the callbacks, you can get the user data you passed in to the
create call with gensio_get_user_data()
Note that if you open then immediately close a gensio, this is fine, even if the open callback hasn't been called. The open callback may or may not be called in that case, though, so it can be difficult to handle this properly.
You can do basic synchronous I/O with gensios. This is useful in some situations where you need to read something inline. To do this, call:
err = gensio_set_sync(io);
The given gensio will cease to deliver read and write events. Other events are delivered. Then you can do:
err = gensio_read_s(io, &count, data, datalen, &timeout);
err = gensio_write_s(io, &count, data, datalen, &timeout);
Count is set to the actual number of bytes read/written. It may be NULL if you don't care (though that doesn't make much sense for read).
Timeout may be NULL, if so then wait for forever. If you set a timeout, it is updated to the amount of time left.
Note that signals will cause these to return immediately, but no error is reported.
Reads will block until some data comes in and returns that data. It does not wait until the buffer is full. timeout is a timeval, the read will wait that amount of time for the read to complete and return. A timeout is not an error, the count will just be set to zero.
Writes block until the whole buffer is written or a timeout occurs. Again, the timeout is not an error, the total bytes actually written is returned in count.
Once you are done doing synchronous I/O with a gensio, call:
err = gensio_clear_sync(io);
and delivery through the event interface will continue as before. You must not be in a synchronous read or write call when calling this, the results will be undefined.
Note that other I/O on other gensios will still occur when waiting for synchronous I/O
There is not currently a way to wait for multiple gensios with synchronous I/O. If you are doing that, you should really just use the event-driven I/O. It's more efficient, and you end up doing the same thing in the end, anyway.
Like a gensio, a gensio accepter is not operational when you create
it. You must call gensio_acc_startup()
to enable it:
struct gensio_accepter *acc;
int rv;
rv = str_to_gensio_accepter("tcp,3001", oshnd,
tcpacccb, mydata, &acc);
if (rv) { handle error }
rv = gensio_startup(acc);
if (rv) { handle error }
Note that there is no callback to the startup call to know when it's enabled, because there's no real need to know because you cannot write to it, it only does callbacks.
Even after you start up the accepter, it still won't do anything until
you call gensio_acc_set_accept_callback_enable()
to enable that
When the callback is called, it gives you a gensio in the data
parameter that is already open with read disabled. A gensio received
from a gensio acceptor may have some limitations. For instance, you
may not be able to close and then reopen it.
gensio accepters can do synchronous accepts using gensio_acc_set_sync()
and gensio_acc_accept_s
. See the man pages on those for details.
struct gensio_os_funcs
has a vlog callback for handling internal
gensio logs. These are called when something of significance happens
but gensio has no way to report an error. It also may be called to
make it easier to diagnose an issue when something goes wrong.
The gensio and gensio accepter classes each have subclasses for handling serial I/O and setting all the parameters associated with a serial port.
You can discover if a gensio (or any of its children) is a serial port
by calling gensio_to_sergensio()
. If that returns NULL, it is not
a sergensio and none of it's children are sergensios. If it returns
non-NULL, it returns the sergensio object for you to use. Note that
the gensio returned by sergensio_to_gensio()
will be the one
passed in to gensio_to_sergensio()
, not necessarily the gensio
that sergensio is directly associated with.
A sergensio may be a client, meaning that it can set serial settings, or it may be a server, meaning that it will receive serial settings from the other end of the connection.
Most sergensios are client only: serialdev (normal serial port), ipmisol, and stdio accepter. Currently only telnet has both client and server capabilities.
NOTE: The python interface described here is deprecated. Use the one in c++/swig/pygensio now.
You can access pretty much all of the gensio interface through python, though it's done a little differently than the C interface.
Since python is fully object oriented, gensios and gensio accepters are first-class objects, along with gensio_os_funcs, sergensios, and waiters.
Here's a small program:
import gensio
class Logger:
def gensio_log(self, level, log):
print("***%s log: %s" % (level, log))
class GHandler:
def __init__(self, o, to_write):
self.to_write = to_write
self.waiter = gensio.waiter(o)
self.readlen = len(to_write)
def read_callback(self, io, err, buf, auxdata):
if err:
print("Got error: " + err)
return 0
print("Got data: " + buf);
self.readlen -= len(buf)
if self.readlen == 0:
return len(buf)
def write_callback(self, io):
print("Write ready!")
if self.to_write:
written = io.write(self.to_write, None)
if (written >= len(self.to_write)):
self.to_write = None
self.to_write = self.to_write[written:]
def open_done(self, io, err):
if err:
print("Open error: " + err);
def wait(self):
self.waiter.wait_timeout(1, 2000)
o = gensio.alloc_gensio_selector(Logger())
h = GHandler(o, "This is a test")
g = gensio.gensio(o, "telnet,tcp,localhost,2002", h)
The interface is a pretty direct translation from the C interface. A python representation of the interface is in swig/python/, you can see that for documentation.
The C++ interface is documented in c++/README.rst.
The new pygensio interface is a cleaner implementation using swig directors instead of hand-coded callbacks into python. See the README.rst in c++/swig/pygensio. There are also glib and tcl OS_Funcs in the glib and tcl directories.
The full C++ interface is available to Go programs through swig and swig directors. See c++/swig/go/README.rst for details.
There are a number of tests for gensios. They currently only run on Linux and require some external tools.
They require the serialsim kernel module and python interface. These are at and allow the tests to use a simulated serial port to read modem control line, inject errors, etc.
You can get by without serialsim if you have three serial devices: one hooked in echo mode (RX and TX tied together) and two serial devices hooked together do I/O on one device goes to/comes from the other. Then set the following environment variables:
export GENSIO_TEST_PIPE_DEVS="/dev/ttyxxx:/dev/ttywww"
export GENSIO_TEST_ECHO_DEV="/dev/ttyzzz"
It will not be able to test modemstate or rs485.
They also require the ipmi_sim program from the OpenIPMI library at to run the ipmisol tests.
To run the tests, you need to enable some internal debugging to get the full effect. You generally want to run something like:
./configure --enable-internal-trace CFLAGS='-g -Wall'
You can turn on -O3 in the CFLAGS, too, if you like, but it make debugging harder.
There are two basic types of tests. The python tests are functional tests testing both the python interface and the gensio library. Currently they are ok, but there is plenty of room for improvement. If you want to help, you can write tests.
The oomtest used to be an out of memory tester, but has morphed into something more extensive. It spawns a gensiot program with specific environment variables to cause it to fail at certain points, and to do memory leak and other memory checks. It writes data to the gensiot through its stdin and receives data on stdout. Some tests (like serialdev) use an echo. Other tests make a separate connection over the network and data flows both into stdin and comes back over the separate connection, and flows into the separate connection and comes back via stdout. oomtest is multi-threaded and the number of threads can be controlled. oomtest has found a lot of bugs. It has a lot of knobs, but you have to look at the source code for the options. It needs to be documented, if someone would like to volunteer...
To set up for fuzzing, install afl, then configure with the following:
mkdir Zfuzz; cd Zfuzz
../configure --enable-internal-trace=yes --disable-shared CC=afl-gcc \
Or use clang, if available:
../configure --enable-internal-trace=yes --disable-shared CC=afl-clang \
CXX=afl-clang++ LIBS='-lstdc++'
I'm not sure why the LIBS thing is necessary above, but I had to add it to get it to compile.
Then build. Then "cd tests" and run "make test_fuzz_xxx" where xxx is one of: certauth, mux, ssl, telnet, or relpkt. You will probably need to adjust some things, afl will tell you. Note that it will run forever, you will need to ^C it when you are done.
The makefile in tests/ has instructions on how to handle a failure to reproduce for debuggig.
Running code coverage on the library is pretty easy. First you need to configure the code to enable coverage:
mkdir Ocov; cd Ocov
../configure --enable-internal-trace=yes \
CC='gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage' \
CXX='g++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
The compile and run "make check".
To generate the report, run:
gcovr -f '.*/.libs/.*' -e '.*python.*'
This will generate a summary. If you want to see the coverage of individual lines in a file, you can do:
cd lib
gcov -o .libs/ *.o
You can look in the individual .gcov files created for information about what is covered. See the gcov docs for detail.
At the time of writing, I was getting about 74% code coverage, So that's really pretty good. I'll be working to improve that, mostly through improved functional testing.
ser2net is used for testing some things, primarily the serial port configuration (termios and rfc2217). You can build ser2net against the gcov version of the gensio library and run "make check" in ser2net to get coverage on those parts. With that, I'm seeing about 76% coverage, so it doesn't add much to the total.
It would be nice to be able to combine this with fuzzing, but I'm not sure how to do that. afl does it's own thing with code coverage. There appears to be a afl-cov package that somehow integrated gcov, but I haven't looked into it.