Meli is supposed to be a faster, and drop in, alternative to docker-compose. Faster in the sense that, Meli will try to pull as many services(docker containers) as it can in parallel.
Meli is a Swahili word meaning ship; so think of Meli as a ship carrying your docker containers safely across the treacherous container seas.
It's currently work in progress, API will remain unstable for sometime.
I only intend to support docker-compose version 3+
Meli is NOT intended to replicate every feature of docker-compose, it is primarily intended to enable you to pull, build and run the services in your docker-compose file as fast as possible.
If you want to exec in to a running container, use docker; if you want to run an adhoc command in a container, use docker; if you want..... you get the drift.
Download a binary release for your particular OS from the releases page
We have binaries for:
- linux(64bit)
- windows(64bit)
- macOS(64bit)
meli --help
Usage of meli:
Builds, re/creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
-d option runs containers in the background
-f string
path to docker-compose.yml file. (default "docker-compose.yml")
Rebuild services
-v Show version information.
Show version information.
cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: 'redis:3.0-alpine'
- RACK_ENV=development
- type=database
- "6300:6379"
- "6400:22"
meli -up
redis :: Pulling from library/redis
redis :: Pulling fs layer
redis :: Pulling fs layer
redis :: Downloading [======================> ] 3.595kB/8.164kB
redis :: Downloading [==============================>] 8.164kB/8.164kB
redis :: Download complete [========================>] 8.164kB/8.164kB
redis :: The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
You really should be using the official docker Go sdk
However, if you feel inclined to use meli;
package main
import (
func main() {
dc := &meli.DockerContainer{
ComposeService: meli.ComposeService{Image: "busybox"},
LogMedium: os.Stdout,
FollowLogs: true}
ctx := context.Background()
cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err, " :unable to intialize docker client")
defer cli.Close()
meli.LoadAuth() // load dockerhub info
err = meli.PullDockerImage(ctx, cli, dc)
Aaah, everyones' favorite vanity metric yet no one seems to know how to conduct one in a consistent and scientific manner.
Take any results you see here with a large spoon of salt; They are unscientific and reek of all that is wrong with most developer benchmarks.
Having made that disclaimer,
Benchmark test:
this docker-compose file
Benchmark script:
for docker-compose:
docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f; docker system prune -af; /usr/bin/time -apv docker-compose up -d
for meli:
docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f; docker system prune -af; /usr/bin/time -apv meli -up -d
Benchmark results(average):
tool | Elapsed wall clock time(seconds) |
docker-compose | 10.411 seconds |
meli | 3.945 seconds |
Thus, meli appears to be 2.6 times faster than docker-compose(by wall clock time).
You can checkout the current benchmark results from circleCI
However, I'm not making a tool to take docker-compose to the races.
git clone [email protected]:komuw/meli.git
go build -trimpath -o meli cli/cli.go
./meli -up -f /path/to/docker-compose-file.yml
- add better documentation(godoc)
- stabilise API(maybe)