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Apache JMeter Backend Listener implementation for Prometheus metrics exporting


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Prometheus Listener for JMeter

Apache JMeter Backend Listener implementation for Prometheus metrics exporting. Both pull-based and push-based models are supported through different implementations.


Download the latest release or build your own from the source code. Then put jmeter-prometheus-listener-x.x.x.jar to JMETER_HOME/lib/ext directory.


  1. Add Listener->Backend Listener to your Test Plan.
  2. In the Backend Listener implementation combobox select com.github.kolesnikovm.PrometheusListener for pull-based model or com.github.kolesnikovm.PrometheusPusher for push-based one.
  3. Edit parameters to your taste.


These parameters are set in Backend Listener element. All parameters are required. You can also add custom parameters, that will be treated as labels and added to each metric.

Param Type Description
testName String Common label for all metrics in your test
runId String Common label for all metrics in your test
exporterPort int Port for exposing metrics, path /metrics
Only for com.github.kolesnikovm.PrometheusListener implementation
prometheusURL String Prometheus URL for pushing metrics
Only for com.github.kolesnikovm.PrometheusPusher implementation
samplersRegExp String Regular expression for filtering sample results
sloLevels String Buckets for jmeter_response_time_histogram. Semicolon delimited


Property Default Comment
prometheus.collect_jvm false Boolean parameter for enabling JVM metrics collection
prometheus.collect_assertions false Boolean parameter for enabling assertion results collection
prometheus.quantiles_age 10 Max age in seconds for Summary collectors' quantiles
prometheus.log_errors false Boolean parameter for enabling extended error logging
prometheus.push_interval 5 Metrics push interval for com.github.kolesnikovm.PrometheusPusher implementation


Every metric has default label set testName, runId, nodeName and also may have some additional labels. Check the table below for details on metrics and their specific labels.

Metric Type Labels Comment
jmeter_active_threads Gauge
jmeter_running_threads Gauge threadGroup
jmeter_requests Counter requestName, requestStatus, responseCode, responseMessage, isTransaction
jmeter_response_time Summary requestName, requestStatus, responseCode, responseMessage, isTransaction Unit: milliseconds
Quantiles: 0.9, 0.95, 0.99
jmeter_response_time_histogram Histogram requestName, requestStatus, responseCode, responseMessage, isTransaction Unit: milliseconds
jmeter_latency Summary requestName, requestStatus, responseCode, responseMessage, isTransaction Unit: milliseconds
Quantiles: 0.9, 0.95, 0.99
jmeter_request_size Summary requestName, requestDirection, isTransaction Unit: bytes
jmeter_assertion_results Counter requestName, failureMessage

Custom metrics

Also, you can create your own custom collectors. See the documentation on Prometheus JVM Client.


Custom collector creation


Custom collector usage


Plugin is hosted on Maven Central. You can find dependency here. Example use with jmeter-maven-plugin:



To build, simply run:

gradle clean fatJar