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Ping CRM on Echo (Go)

A demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works with inertia-echo.

This is a port of the original Ping CRM written in Laravel/PHP + Vue to Echo/Go + Vue.


You can see the demo site at:


You can download a precompiled binary at the Github releases page.

Download latest version

After extracting the archive file, you can run the binary with the following command.

pingcrm-echo -data-dir=<path to data storage directory you like>

You're ready to go! Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser, and login with:

Build by Yourself

Clone the repo locally:

git clone
cd pingcrm-echo

Install dependencies:

make deps

Build the binary:

make build/dev

You can get the binary at: dev/build/outputs/dev/pingcrm-echo.


  • Original work by Jonathan Reinink (@reinink) and contributors
  • Port to Echo by Kohki Makimoto (@kohkimakimoto)