This project provides a low-level and a high-level API to use the Web Authentication API (WebAuthn).
go get
By default, this library does not support any attestation statement formats. To use the default attestation formats,
you will need to import
or any of its subpackages if you would just like
to support some attestation statement formats.
Please note that the Android SafetyNet attestation statement format depends on
, which means that this package will be imported
when you import either
The high-level API can be used with the net/http
package and simplifies the low-level API. It is located in the webauthn
subpackage. It is intended
for use with e.g. fetch
or XMLHttpRequest
JavaScript clients.
First, make sure your user entity implements User
. Then, create a new entity
implements Authenticator
that stores each authenticator the user
Then, either make your existing repository implement AuthenticatorStore
or create a new repository.
Finally, you can create the main WebAuthn
struct supplying the
w, err := webauthn.New(&webauthn.Config{
// A human-readable identifier for the relying party (i.e. your app), intended only for display.
RelyingPartyName: "webauthn-demo",
// Storage for the authenticator.
AuthenticatorStore: storage,
Then, you can use the methods defined, such as StartRegistration
to handle registration and login. Every handler requires a Session
, which stores
intermediate registration/login data. If you use gorilla/sessions
, use
. Read the documentation for complete information
on what parameters need to be passed and what values are returned.
For example, a handler for finishing the registration might look like this:
func (r *http.Request, rw http.ResponseWriter) {
ctx := r.Context()
// Get the user in some way, in this case from the context
user, ok := UserFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
// Get or create a session in some way, in this case from the context
sess := SessionFromContext(ctx)
// Then call FinishRegistration to register the authenticator to the user
h.webauthn.FinishRegistration(r, rw, user, webauthn.WrapMap(sess))
A complete demo application using the high-level API which implements all of these interfaces and stores data in memory is available here.
This class is an example that can be used to handle the registration and login phases. It can be used as follows:
const w = new WebAuthn();
// Registration
w.register().then(() => {
alert('This authenticator has been registered.');
}).catch(err => {
alert('Failed to register: ' + err);
// Login
w.login().then(() => {
alert('You have been logged in.');
}).catch(err => {
alert('Failed to login: ' + err);
Or, with latest async/await
const w = new WebAuthn();
// Registration
try {
await w.register();
alert('This authenticator has been registered.');
} catch (err) {
alert('Failed to register: ' + err);
// Login
try {
await w.login();
alert('You have been logged in.');
} catch(err) {
alert('Failed to login: ' + err);
The low-level closely resembles the specification and the high-level API should be preferred. However, if you would like to use the low-level API, the main entry points are: