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Vidar Holen edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 1 revision

This is interpreted as a command name containing a linefeed. Double check syntax.

(or tab)

Problematic code:

This script greets the planet
echo "Hello World"

Correct code:

# This script greets the planet
echo "Hello World"


ShellCheck found a command name containing an especially unusual character like a tab or linefeed. This is most likely due to a syntax issue.

In the example, this was due to a Python style documentation string, which a shell will merely interpreted as a multi-line command name sandwiched between two empty strings.


If you have a command name that does contain a tab or linefeed you can ignore this message, but... wow.

Related resources:

  • Help by adding links to BashFAQ, StackOverflow, man pages, POSIX, etc!


Each individual ShellCheck warning has its own wiki page like SC1000. Use GitHub Wiki's "Pages" feature above to find a specific one, or see Checks.

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