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RingCentral SDK for PHP

Build Status Coverage Status


  • PHP 5.3.29+
  • CURL extension
  • MCrypt extension


Please choose one of the following installation options:

With Composer (recommended)

The installation of composer is local by default. We suggest that you install it at the top level of your application's directory structure.

  1. Install composer:

    $ curl -sS | php

    More info about installation on Linux / Unix / OSX and Windows.

  2. Add the following line to your composer.json or create the one from scratch:

        "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
  3. Run the Composer command to install the latest version of SDK:

    $ php composer.phar require knoxcard/ringcentral-php
  4. Require Composer's autoloader in your PHP script (assuming it is in the same directory where you installed Composer):


PHAR with bundled dependencies

This is not recommended! Use Composer as modern way of working with PHP packages.

  1. Download PHAR file

  2. Require files:


Please keep in mind that bundled dependencies may interfere with your other dependencies.

Basic Usage


$sdk = new RingCentral\SDK\SDK('appKey', 'appSecret', RingCentral\SDK\SDK::SERVER_SANDBOX);

You also may supply custom AppName and AppVersion parameters with your application codename and version. These parameters are optional but they will help a lot to identify your application in API logs and speed up any potential troubleshooting. Allowed characters for AppName and AppVersion are: letters, digits, hyphen, dot and underscore.

$sdk = new RingCentral\SDK\SDK('appKey', 'appSecret', RingCentral\SDK\SDK::SERVER_SANDBOX, 'MyApp', '1.0.0');

For production use RingCentral\SDK\SDK::SERVER_PRODUCTION constant. Or type in the server URL by hand.


Check authentication status:


Authenticate user:

$sdk->getPlatform()->login('username', 'extension (or leave blank)', 'password'); // change true to false to not remember user

Authentication lifecycle

Platform class performs token refresh procedure if needed. You can save authentication between requests in CGI mode:

// when application is going to be stopped
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($platform->auth()->data(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));

// and then next time during application bootstrap before any authentication checks:

Important! You have to manually maintain synchronization of SDK's between requests if you share authentication. When two simultaneous requests will perform refresh, only one will succeed. One of the solutions would be to have semaphor and pause other pending requests while one of them is performing refresh.

Performing API call

$apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->get('/account/~/extension/~');
$apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->post('/account/~/extension/~', array(...));
$apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->put('/account/~/extension/~', array(...));
$apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->delete('/account/~/extension/~');

print_r($apiResponse->json()); // stdClass will be returned or exception if Content-Type is not JSON
print_r($apiResponse->request()); // PSR-7's RequestInterface compatible instance used to perform HTTP request 
print_r($apiResponse->response()); // PSR-7's ResponseInterface compatible instance used as HTTP response 

Multipart response

Loading of multiple comma-separated IDs will result in HTTP 207 with Content-Type: multipart/mixed. This response will be parsed into multiple sub-responses:

$presences = $sdk->platform()

print 'Presence loaded ' .
      $presences[0]->json()->presenceStatus . ', ' .
      $presences[1]->json()->presenceStatus . PHP_EOL;

Send SMS - Make POST request

$apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->post('/account/~/extension/~/sms', array(
    'from' => array('phoneNumber' => 'your-ringcentral-sms-number'),
    'to'   => array(
        array('phoneNumber' => 'mobile-number'),
    'text' => 'Test from PHP',

Get Platform error message

try {


} catch (\RingCentral\SDK\Http\ApiException $e) {

    // Getting error messages using PHP native interface
    print 'Expected HTTP Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

    // In order to get Request and Response used to perform transaction:
    $apiResponse = $e->apiResponse();
    // Another way to get message, but keep in mind, that there could be no response if request has failed completely
    print '  Message: ' . $e->apiResponse->response()->error() . PHP_EOL;


use RingCentral\SDK\Subscription\Events\NotificationEvent;
use RingCentral\SDK\Subscription\Subscription;

$subscription = $sdk->createSubscription()
                     ->addListener(Subscription::EVENT_NOTIFICATION, function (NotificationEvent $e) {
$apiResponse = $subscription->register();

Please keep in mind that due to limitations of PUBNUB library, which is synchronous, subscriptions may expire and must be re-created manually.

Multipart Requests

SDK provides a helper to make sending of faxes easier.

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
                     'to'         => array(
                         array('phoneNumber' => '16501112233'),
                     'faxResolution' => 'High',
                 ->addAttachment('Plain Text', 'file.txt')
                 ->addAttachment(fopen('path/to/file', 'r'))
                 ->request('/account/~/extension/~/fax'); // also has optional $method argument

$response = $platform->sendRequest($request);

How to demo?

Clone the repo and create a file demo/_credentials.php:

return array(
    'username'     => '18881112233', // your RingCentral account phone number
    'extension'    => null, // or number
    'password'     => 'yourPassword',
    'appKey'       => 'yourAppKey',
    'appSecret'    => 'yourAppSecret',
    'server'       => '', // for production -
    'smsNumber'    => '18882223344', // any of SMS-enabled numbers on your RingCentral account
    'mobileNumber' => '16501112233', // your own mobile number to which script will send sms

Then execute:

$ php index.php

Should output:

Auth exception: Refresh token has expired
Users loaded 10
Presence loaded Something New - Available, Something New - Available
Expected HTTP Error: Not Found (from backend)
SMS Phone Number: 12223334455
Sent SMS

After that script will wait for any presence notification. Make a call to your account or make outbound call from your account. When you will make a call, script will print notification and exit.

Please take a look in demo folder to see all the demos.


RingCentral Connect Platform PHP SDK







No packages published


  • PHP 99.3%
  • Makefile 0.7%