For storing publicly available extension plugin libraries
Extension Plugin List:
- shader-graph(Depends on the Cocos Creator editor version >= 3.8.2)
- localization-editor(Depends on the Cocos Creator editor version >= 3.7.0)
Clone the code to your local computer
git clone
// Run the install command for initializing cocos-creator-extensions and all plugins in the extensions directory
npm install
// Run the build command for all plugins in the extensions directory
npm run build
// Run the packaging command for all plugins in the extensions directory
npm run pack
// Run the unit testing command for all plugins in the extensions directory
npm run test
Specify --extension="PluginName" or --ext="PluginName" after each specific command to individually execute a command for a certain plugin.
- After modifying a plugin, use npm run pack to package it into a zip file.
- In the Cocos Creator editor, open the panel by clicking on Extensions/Extension Manager in the main menu. Click to import the zip plugin.
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