CLI tool to convert between different RDF serialization formats.
Primarly made to test and showcase the capabilites of the rdf package.
Currently supported input formats: RDF/XML, N-Triples, N-Quads, Turtle.
Currently supported output formats: N-Triples, Turtle.
More formats are coming soon.
Install as you would any other Go package:
go get -u
Provided that GOPATH/bin
is on your PATH
, you're good to go.
When the tool has proven stable and complete, I can provide binaries for the most common OS'es for download.
rdf2rdf ------- Convert between different RDF serialization formats. Usage: rdf2rdf -in=input.xml -out=output.ttl Options: -h --help Show this message. -in Input file. -out Output file. -stream=true Streaming mode. -v=false Verbose mode (shows progress indicator) By default the converter is streaming both input and output, emitting converted triples/quads as soon as they are available. This ensures you can convert huge files with minimum memory footprint. However, if you have small datasets you can choose to load all data into memory before conversion. This makes it possible to sort the data, remove duplicate triples, and potentially generate more compact Turtle serializations, maximizing predicate and object lists. Do this by setting the flag stream=false. Conversion from a quad-format to a triple-format will disregard the triple's context (graph). Conversion from a triple-format to a quad-format is not supported. Input and ouput formats are determined by file extensions, according to the following table: Format | File extension ----------|------------------- N-Triples | .nt N-Quads | .nq RDF/XML | .rdf .rdfxml .xml Turtle | .ttl