- an open-source school project that employs machine learning to classify tweets under the topic 'Harry Potter', but this is open for extensibility
- an executable demoing the results of modeling, validating and iterating can be in the form of TwitHub.jar
- The excellent Twitter4J
- Weka classification algorithms (SMO, Naive Bayes, J48) are being used here
- MorphAdorner's Lexicon, Part of Speech tagger, and Language Recognizer facilities
- Google spell check
- The dependencies of the above libraries
- yes, I know, the code contains a real-life Twitter account, with the user name and password placed in clear text; along with a developer account CONSUMER KEY AND SECRET
I will be disabling these accounts soon… bring your own developer tokens :D
This is an Eclipse project.
feel free to poke around the code; it's still a little messy in com.twitminer.viewer.algorithms though.