Hey there! This is the source code for my portfolio/blog website. I started this as a way to teach myself React and Gatsby so it's a work in progress. Feel free to check the codebase and let me know what you think!
- Gatsby - Static site generator
emotion - CSS-in-JS- netlify - Static site deployment
- Sass - CSS with superpowers
- Pose - Animation for React
- React Icons - All the icons from the popular libraries in one react component
- Responsive
- Blog
- Projects showcase/links
- Contact links
- Progressive web app
- Make sure to completely replace emotion with sass and CSS Modules
- Add Google Analytics
- User
<OutboundLink />
for external links
- User
- Add newsletter subscription for the blog
If you find any bug or want to propose a feature, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.