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usehlsvideoplayer is a React hook designed to simplify the integration of Hls.js for video playback in your React applications. This hook creates a video player instance and manages the loading of an HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) video source. With usehlsvideoplayer, you can effortlessly incorporate Hls.js functionality into your components.



This package has a dependency on react, Hls.js and typescript, so make sure to include it in your project.

npm install hls.js

Install the package using npm:

npm install usehlsvideoplayer

Basic Usage

import { Usehlsplayer } from 'usehlsvideoplayer';

const YourComponent = () => {
  const videoSource = 'your-hls-video-source-url';
  const { videoRef } = Usehlsplayer(videoSource);

  return (
      <video ref={videoRef} controls>
	      <source src={videoSource}

Advanced Usage

import { Usehlsplayer } from 'usehlsvideoplayer';

const YourComponent = () => {
  const videoSource = 'your-hls-video-source-url';
  const { videoRef } = Usehlsplayer(videoSource, {
	  startLevel: 2,
	  maxBufferLength: 60,
	  enableSoftwareAES: false,
	  // Add more options as needed. Below are the list of options and there default

  return (
      <video ref={videoRef} controls>
	      <source src={videoSource}


The following options are specific to Hls.js and provide fine-tuning capabilities for adapting it to different streaming scenarios:

  1. autoStartLoad (default: true):

    • Use Case: Determines whether the loading of the stream should start automatically when the Hls.js instance is created.
  2. startLevel (default: -1):

    • Use Case: Specifies the initial quality level index to start playback with. Use -1 for automatic level selection.
  3. maxBufferLength (default: 30):

    • Use Case: Sets the maximum buffer length (in seconds) to keep for instant playback. Adjust for optimizing buffering behavior.
  4. maxBufferSize (default: 60 * 1000 * 1000):

    • Use Case: Defines the maximum buffer size (in bytes) for the media element. Useful for controlling memory usage.
  5. maxMaxBufferLength (default: 600):

    • Use Case: Specifies the maximum buffer length (in seconds) for live content. Adjust for optimizing live stream buffering.
  6. liveSyncDurationCount (default: 3):

    • Use Case: Sets the number of target durations to keep in live synchronization of the manifest. Affects live stream synchronization.
  7. liveMaxLatencyDurationCount (default: 5):

    • Use Case: Configures the number of target durations to keep in live synchronization for low-latency applications.
  8. enableWorker (default: true):

    • Use Case: Enables or disables the use of Web Workers for fetching and parsing segments. Can improve performance.
  9. enableSoftwareAES (default: true):

    • Use Case: Enables or disables software-based AES decryption. Adjust based on hardware support for decryption.
  10. forceKeyFrameOnDiscontinuity (default: true):

    • Use Case: Determines whether to force the generation of keyframes on discontinuity for better seeking in live streams.
  11. levelLoadingTimeOut (default: 10000):

    • Use Case: Sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for level loading. Useful for handling delays in loading levels.
  12. manifestLoadingTimeOut (default: 10000):

    • Use Case: Sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for manifest loading. Useful for handling delays in loading the manifest.
  13. xhrSetup (default: null):

    • Use Case: Allows customization of XHR setup function for handling XMLHttpRequest. Useful for advanced use cases.
  14. capLevelToPlayerSize (default: false):

    • Use Case: Limits the selected quality level to the size of the player. Useful for optimizing quality based on player dimensions.
  15. startFragPrefetch (default: false):

    • Use Case: Initiates fragment prefetching to improve start-up time by loading fragments in advance.
  16. appendErrorMaxRetry (default: 3):

    • Use Case: Specifies the maximum number of retries for appending a segment on error. Useful for handling segment append errors.


  • videoSource (string): The URL of the HLS video source to be loaded.

Return Value

The hook returns an object with the following property:

  • videoRef (React Ref): A ref that should be attached to the video element in your JSX/JS to bind the video player.


The hook takes care of cleaning up resources when the component unmounts. It automatically detaches the Hls.js instance and removes event listeners.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.