This is a template for a docker based fhem installation. It contains a lot of services and is preconfigured / ready to start.
Change all the passwords for mySQL, FHEM, NodeRed, ...
- FHEM + FHEM frontend style + Tablet UI + ABFALL Module
- MQTT (pre-configured)
- mySQL-Logging (pre-configured)
- NodeRed
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
git clone fhem-docker
cd fhem-docker
docker-compose up -d
- FHEM: http://[ip]:8083/fhem
- Node-Red: http://[ip]:1880/
fhem-User: admin
fhem-Password: 1LOg2810AGBLmT2fn
telnet: ggOCu3IAKbN0x54zN
mySQL-User: fhemuser
mySQL-Password: 2jRHnEi3WuNSQAcX7 (see mysql/init.sql and fhem/core/contrib/configDB/configDB.conf)
- HTTPS is not configured right now