Work in progress
- Create inital project
- Add custom colors
- Add charting
- Add charting
- Switch to devcontainers
- Create Game of Life with Grid
- Create slider for game engine speed
- Build custom grid out of divs
- Host on AWS (POC)
- Build releases with Docker
- Implement Terraform
- Deploy with Terraform
- AWS too expensive, challange other providers
- Deploy Gigalixir
- Switching to docker-compose
- Add Postgres DB to project
- Create DB locally
- Create DB on Gigalixir
- Seed DB
- Write integration tests
- Add Oban for scheduling API requests to GitHub
- Create recursion job for fetching data
- Deeper investigation of GitHub-API for best fit
- Implement pagination
- Implement sorting and date filtering to API
- Build data visualisation algorithm
- Write tests for data transformation
- Code cleanup (credo, dialyzer, styler, compiler)
- Date picking for issue visualisation
- Build canvas grid
- Responsive design
- Oban job for cyclic fetching of issue changes (created and closed)
- Try canvas grid with interaction (mouse-click and mouse-down for dropping life)