Small command-line tool to remove all metadata / exif records of your photos to give you back the control over your security and privacy.
It is useful before uploading photos to cloud like Facebook, Google, etc if you don't want to share your GPS location and other sensitive data with anyone.
- jpg
- jpeg
- tiff
You need at least Java JRE 1.8 to run this software.
- Navigate to the folder containing the metawipe.jar file
- Open a terminal in this folder
- type java -jar metawipe.jar
can be :
- -f : Clears metadata of one particular file.
Note: Nothing is written on the console after successful operation (and the program returns 0).
Error messages still displayed.
java -jar metawipe.jar -f /path/to/photo.jpg
- -d: Clears every supported file formats in the given directory and its subdirectories.
java -jar metawipe.jar -d /path/to/directory/
- -help Displays the help.
java -jar metawipe.jar -help
- Download the latest version and unzip it somewhere to your directory
- If you want to build from source, clone this repository:
git clone
Execute the following command in the terminal:mvn clean compile assembly:single
The built jar will be in the /target folder
Contributions are welcome ! If you see errors, bugs, please open a new Issue, or send a pull request.