This is the frontend repository for, built with Next.js. The backend API documentation is included below for reference.
- Real-time tweet feed with AI-powered sentiment analysis and summaries
- Token detection and information lookup
- Premium subscription with instant updates (0 delay)
- Historical message access for premium users
- Wallet-based authentication system
- Token information lookup with detailed market data
- Support for tweet media, quotes, and replies
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the pages by modifying files in the app
directory. The pages auto-update as you edit the files.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Geist.
The easiest way to deploy the frontend is using the Vercel Platform.
All schemas, endpoints, responses and requests can be viewed at (except for the websocket).
Quick Overview:
- WebSocket for tweet feed
- Login endpoint (returns cookie)
- Premium upgrade endpoint{ca}
- Token information endpoint
- Provides tweet feed (with a delay)
- Returns last 15 saved tweets on initial connection
- 0 delay available for upgraded users
- Historical message access for premium users
- Automatic reconnection handling
Send authorization message with user cookie (JSON):
{ "Authorization": "cookie_here" }
To logout, send an empty authorization message or one without the token:
{ "Authorization": null }
Premium users can request historical messages by sending:
"type": "get_history",
"timestamp": 1234567890
This will return messages older than the specified timestamp.
π Message Format
"tweet": {
"username": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"text": "string",
"icon": "string",
"image": "string",
"link": "string",
"info": {
"twitter_id": "string",
"is_reply": "boolean",
"is_retweet": "boolean",
"is_quote": "boolean",
"is_self_reply": "boolean",
"quoted_user": {
"username": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"text": "string",
"icon": "string"
"timestamp": "integer"
"summary": "string",
"sentiment": "string",
"tickers": [
"ca": "string",
"name": "string",
"ticker": "string",
"logo": "string",
"logo_small": "string",
"logo_large": "string",
"twitter_username": "string",
"match_type": "string",
"bullx_url": "string",
"photon_url": "string",
"dexscreener_url": "string",
"token": {
"ca": "string",
"name": "string",
"ticker": "string",
"logo_url": "string",
"description": "string",
"spam_status": "string",
"socials": [
"type": "string",
"url": "string"
"dex_details": {
"usd_price": "float",
"usd_price_24h_change": "float",
"market_cap": "float",
"liquidity": "float",
"holders": "integer",
"volume_24h": "float",
"updated_at": "integer"
π Example Message
"tweet": {
"username": "256",
"display_name": "theta",
"text": "mewwing and $act all day",
"icon": "",
"image": "",
"link": "",
"info": {
"twitter_id": "5787532",
"is_reply": false,
"is_retweet": false,
"is_quote": false,
"is_self_reply": false,
"quoted_user": null
"timestamp": "1736971847640"
"summary": "The tweet references \"mewwing\" and $ACT, accompanied by a black and white manga/anime-style illustration...",
"sentiment": "neutral",
"tickers": [
"ca": "MEW1gQWJ3nEXg2qgERiKu7FAFj79PHvQVREQUzScPP5",
"name": "cat in a dogs world",
"ticker": "MEW",
"logo": "",
"logo_small": "",
"logo_large": "",
"twitter_username": "mew",
"match_type": "account",
"bullx_url": "",
"photon_url": "",
"dexscreener_url": ""
Authenticate using wallet signature to receive access cookie
π Request Format
"public_key": "string",
"signature": "string",
"timestamp": "integer"
π Example Request
"public_key": "UN33hVgYiYukkWx14253snpwAFQatdRHmADmViWx256",
"signature": "mMAraPMHswwZzJQHeZ6rpVYyX3LjVqaaGi211wpfSUhVcnL7Hw6Msocbmk4kJizWWWTsD8tawHRBfNN4SpZ3Pec",
"timestamp": 1736968747030
π Response Format
"Authorization": "string",
"is_premium": "boolean"
π Example Response
"Authorization": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2FnZW50IjoiTW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTMzLjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTMzLjAiLCJwdWJsaWNfa2V5IjoiQVdDYzhBdGZaVkpNaDE4dlpkU1V6Qno5UTFwVHY3SlQyN2t2RUZhaVdvQlUiLCJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE3Mzc4MTcxMTkxOTcsImNsaWVudF9pcCI6IjEyNy4wLjAuMSJ9.C6Vj5Du5LX5Kdcev0nwMB3xvej5DzsjSb-GAiF4gUVM",
"is_premium": true
Upgrade account to premium status using transaction ID
π Request Format
"txid": "string"
π Example Request
"txid": "5t5z7R42GpYQoGc1W8M6D2evhRgnot4axUrC14U6VxsTrKYJr5FHVixf7ZzWH1fiNDdEKiTnda7xetRerbN4Pqj6"
π Response Format
"public_key": "string",
"is_premium": "boolean"
π Example Response
"public_key": "6osAjfoEJpJ574G8KRBfCr27p6A6Y3SrfmKZHkbTUKsx",
"is_premium": true
Get detailed token information including market data, social links, and DEX details
π Response Format
"ca": "string",
"name": "string",
"ticker": "string",
"logo_url": "string",
"description": "string",
"spam_status": "string",
"socials": [
"type": "string",
"url": "string"
"dex_details": {
"usd_price": "float",
"usd_price_24h_change": "float",
"market_cap": "float",
"liquidity": "float",
"holders": "integer",
"volume_24h": "float",
"updated_at": "integer"
"extra_urls": {
"ca": "string",
"bullx_url": "string",
"photon_url": "string",
"dexscreener_url": "string",
"logo_small": "string",
"logo_large": "string"
π Example Response
"ca": "MEW1gQWJ3nEXg2qgERiKu7FAFj79PHvQVREQUzScPP5",
"name": "cat in a dogs world",
"ticker": "MEW",
"logo_url": "",
"description": "A Solana token project",
"spam_status": "not_spam",
"socials": [
"type": "twitter",
"url": ""
"dex_details": {
"usd_price": 0.00123,
"usd_price_24h_change": 5.2,
"market_cap": 1234567.89,
"liquidity": 98765.43,
"holders": 1000,
"volume_24h": 50000.0,
"updated_at": 1736971847640
"extra_urls": {
"ca": "MEW1gQWJ3nEXg2qgERiKu7FAFj79PHvQVREQUzScPP5",
"bullx_url": "",
"photon_url": "",
"dexscreener_url": "",
"logo_small": "",
"logo_large": ""
- Instant tweet updates (0 delay)
- Access to historical messages (up to 1000 messages)
- Extended message cache