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Montana Sniffer




This is an open source project that has NO MALICIOUS INTENT. The main goal of this project is to be able to compute statistics over a private home network LEGITIMATELY.


Python homemade sniffer based on Scapy features.
Actual features implemented:

  • Sniff packets according to filterings rules based on protocols (more filters will be implemented later)
  • Compute basic statistics based on the protocols of the received packets on the interface
  • List the received packets with highly precise description (show() function of scapy)
  • Reverse IP sources to find domain names that communicates with the interface
  • Record results in an output file (log file)

Install Montana

To install Montana, you only have to clone the following repository

git clone
cd ./montana_sniffer
sudo ./

Use Montana

 Generic use

Montana is a commande line based sniffer. You can use as follows:

usage: montana [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-t TIMEOUT] [-f FILTER] [-nstat NETSTAT] [-l LIST] [-r REVERSE] [-of OUTPUT]

Montana is a command line sniffer based on Scapy

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        Select the interface to sniff on
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Set the length of the sniffing session
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Configure the filter applied to the sniffer
  -nstat NETSTAT, --netstat NETSTAT
                        Generates statistics
  -l LIST, --list LIST  Lists the packets captured (highly precise description)
  -r REVERSE, --reverse REVERSE
                        Launch a dig over the source ip addresses
  -of OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Store the captured packets in output file


# Listen on interface wlan0 during 10min for tcp packets and store everything in logs.txt and reverse IP source of received TCP packets
montana -i wlan0 -t 600 -f tcp -nstat yes -l no -r tcp -of logs

Open Source, made with love by kiso6