A Python client for monitoring BGP updates in real-time using the RIPE RIS Live service.
- Stream BGP updates from RIPE RIS collectors;
- Filter updates by various criteria;
- Support for IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes;
- Automatic reconnection on connection drops;
- Debug logging capabilities.
- Python 3.12+
- websockets library
pip install websockets
Basic usage:
» python3 rislive.py -h
usage: rislive.py [-h] [-H FILTER_HOST] [-t {UPDATE,OPEN,NOTIFICATION,KEEPALIVE,RIS_PEER_STATE}] [-k {announcements,withdrawals}] [-p FILTER_PEER] [-a FILTER_ASPATH] [-f FILTER_PREFIX] [-m] [-l] [-r] [-d] [-D]
Monitor the streams from RIPE RIS Live.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H, --host FILTER_HOST
Filter messages by a specific RRC (format: rrcXX).
Filter messages by BGP or RIS type.
-k, --key {announcements,withdrawals}
Filter messages containing a specific key ("announcements" or "withdrawals").
-p, --peer FILTER_PEER
Filter messages by BGP peer IP address.
-a, --aspath FILTER_ASPATH
Filter by AS path. Use "^" for start, "$" for end (e.g., "^123,456,789$").
-f, --prefix FILTER_PREFIX
Filter UPDATE messages by IPv4/IPv6 prefix (e.g., or 2001:db8::/32).
-m, --more-specific Match prefixes that are more specific (part of) the given prefix.
-l, --less-specific Match prefixes that are less specific (contain) the given prefix.
-r, --include-raw Include Base64-encoded original binary BGP message.
-d, --disable-auto-reconnect
Disable auto-reconnect on connection drop.
-D, --debug Enable debug logging output.
Filter updates for a specific prefix:
python rislive.py -f
Monitor specific RRC with debug logging:
python rislive.py -H rrc00 -D
Filter by AS path and message type:
python rislive.py -a "^64496,64497$" -t UPDATE
Contributions are welcome! Please ensure your code follows the existing style and includes appropriate tests.