Marvelite Hub allows the user to search through a server-side database to find comics any given Marvel character appears in. The user is also able to search all films the character appears in within the Marvel Cinematic Universe through a second server-side API. The user's search history is saved to local storage for convenience, in case the user might need to refer back to a previous search.
Check out our final project here (●'◡'●)
AS A fan of Marvel Comics
I WANT to see all comics and movies of my favorite character appears in
SO THAT I can learn more about them and impress my friends with my knowledge.
- Home Page
- Search Result Demo
- Movie Results Demo
- Marvel Comics API
Trying to figure out what we wanted the functionality of the website to be.
Getting both the comics and the movies to display for any given character.
- Kip Schetnan
- Minh Truong
- Seve Palattao
- Kallie O'Gara
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details