Baidu Enterprise UI for Vue.js.
This is a work in progress.
$ npm i --save veui
$ npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-veui veui-loader
To use default theme x
you have to install it too.
$ npm i --save veui-theme-x
First, scaffold your project using vue-cli
with template webpack
To use default theme x
, make sure to add these plugins in .babelrc
"plugins": [
"modules": [
"package": "veui-theme-x",
"fileName": "${module}.less"
"package": "veui-theme-x",
"fileName": "${module}.js",
"transform": false
"polyfill": false,
"regenerator": false
To make sure Webpack dynamically loads style modules correctly, make sure to configure veui-loader
in the workflow as follows:
In build/webpack.base.conf.js
, prepend this rule:
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'veui-loader',
enforce: 'pre',
include: [resolve('src'), resolve('demo'), resolve('test')]
In build/vue-loader.conf.js
, add a pre-loader:
preLoaders: {
js: 'veui-loader'
Install lerna
$ npm i -g lerna
After cloning the repo, run
$ lerna bootstrap
$ npm run dev
And then you should be able to see the demo via http://localhost:8080/
Evergreen browsers, IE9 and above.