- Define $GOPATH on your local box
# If you are using bash
echo 'export GOPATH=~/Development/go' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
# If you are using zsh
echo 'export GOPATH=~/Development/go' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
docker-compose build # This builds all the images you need to run the API locally
docker-compose up
docker-compose down
We are using CompileDaemon on local DEV. See Dockerfile.local for details.
- Build the docker containers for AWS
docker build -t kinano/api-go ./src
docker build -t kinano/api-nginx ./nginx
docker image push kinano/api-go
docker image push kinano/api-nginx
- Create a DB on Mongo DB Atlas (or any Mongo DB cloud provider)
- Build a medium EBS environment (MongoDB driver used in this app was failing to compile on small instances)
- Remember to generate and use an EC2 key pair to be able to ssh into the created EC2 instance
- Upload the
to EBS - Add the following config keys on EBS
MONGO_URL # Connection URL to connect to your Mongo DB on the cloud e.g. mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT
- Create a security group for your application and add the following inbound rules
type protocol port range source
SSH TCP 22 Your IP address
HTTP TCP 80 (This is created by default when you create a web app on EBS)
Custom TCP 5000 YOUR SECURITY GROUP ID (This allows the nginx container to forward api traffic to the API container using port 5000. Replace the port with whatever APP_PORT env variable you used on EBS above)