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Limitations of HTML 5 implementation on different platforms browsers

Eino Keskitalo edited this page Jan 16, 2014 · 5 revisions


Issues we've encountered:

  • Needs user input to start audio (hence the splash screen before the main menu)
  • Preload attribute not supported in mobile Safari (so the music is randomly out of sync in the intro depending on Internet downloading speed). More info about iOS/mobile Safari audio limitations on here
  • Image scaling issues. Stage resolution (the actual game view) differs from the real resolution of iPad-mini so there are scaling issues with images. iPad-mini's real resolution is 1024x768 and printed stage resolution through java script (excluding the browser search bar) is said to be 981x643 which makes no sense. A screen capture from iPad-mini says though that the stage resolution is 1024x670 (excluding the browser search bar, which is 98 pixels. 670+98=768) which is correct.
  • No playing two streams at the same time, i.e. music AND sound effects (grr)