SwiftTD is an implementation of temporal difference learning with adaptive step sizes. It can be combined with neural networks by applying it to only the last layer.
First, install pybind11 which is required for Python bindings:
# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install pybind11-dev
# On macOS with Homebrew
brew install pybind11
# On Windows with vcpkg
vcpkg install pybind11
# Or via pip (works on all platforms)
pip install pybind11
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
This repository has two implementations for temporal difference learning:
SwiftTDDense: This implementation uses dense feature vectors, making it suitable for scenarios where all features are available and relevant. It is designed to work efficiently with continuous data.
SwiftTDSparse: This implementation is optimized for sparse feature vectors, where only a subset of features are active or relevant at any given time. It is ideal for situations with large feature spaces and sparse data representation.
Both implementations provide a Step()
method for updating the value function and returning the value prediction:
float prediction = SwiftTDDense::Step(std::vector<float> &features, float reward)
float prediction = SwiftTDSparse::Step(std::vector<int> &feature_indices, float reward)
The main difference between the two implementations is that SwiftTDSparse
takes feature indices instead of dense feature values.
After installation, you can use SwiftTD in Python:
import swift_td
# Create a dense TD learner
td_dense = swift_td.SwiftTDDense(
num_features=5, # Number of input features
lambda_=0.99, # Lambda parameter for eligibility traces
initial_alpha=1e-6, # Initial learning rate
gamma=0.99, # Discount factor
eps=1e-8, # Small constant for numerical stability
max_step_size=0.5, # Maximum allowed step size
step_size_decay=0.99, # Step size decay rate
meta_step_size=1e-3 # Meta learning rate
# Use dense features
features = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0] # Dense feature vector
reward = 1.0
prediction = td_dense.step(features, reward)
# Get learned weights
weights = td_dense.get_weights()
# Create a sparse TD learner
td_sparse = swift_td.SwiftTDSparse(
num_features=1000, # Can handle larger feature spaces efficiently
# Use sparse features (only active feature indices)
active_features = [1, 42, 999] # Indices of active features
reward = 1.0
prediction = td_sparse.step(active_features, reward)