ini adalah mini framework untuk membantu dalam membangun model deep learning 😄 .
- numpy
- os
- random
- sys
- cv2
- matplotlib
- Model Sequential or with add method
- Convolution2D Layer
- Maxpooling2D layer
- ReLU Layer
- Dense Layer
- Flatten Layer
- Summary Model
- Training with Validation
- ImageDataGenerator (load from test and train folder)
- Class to one-hot encoding
- Auto save and load model weight, bias, architecture model and class mapping
- Predict method
- Plot Accuracy and Loss
- Compile method with loss, optimizer and output layer
- Callback (save best weight only, live plot loss and accuraacy, minimal accuracy and validation accuracy)
- Add Regularization
- Add Normalization
- Add more ability to calculate Tensor
Feel free to Pull Request ❤️
Click this link to download and then click on read the description for guide.