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Khisoft Deep Learning Framework


ini adalah mini framework untuk membantu dalam membangun model deep learning 😄 .

Requirement Package

  • numpy
  • os
  • random
  • sys
  • cv2
  • matplotlib


  1. Model Sequential or with add method
  2. Convolution2D Layer
  3. Maxpooling2D layer
  4. ReLU Layer
  5. Dense Layer
  6. Flatten Layer
  7. Summary Model
  8. Training with Validation
  9. ImageDataGenerator (load from test and train folder)
  10. Class to one-hot encoding
  11. Auto save and load model weight, bias, architecture model and class mapping
  12. Predict method
  13. Plot Accuracy and Loss

Wish to add

  1. Compile method with loss, optimizer and output layer
  2. Callback (save best weight only, live plot loss and accuraacy, minimal accuracy and validation accuracy)
  3. Add Regularization
  4. Add Normalization
  5. Add more ability to calculate Tensor

Feel free to Pull Request ❤️

Khisoft - Sign Language Translator

Download and Run

Click this link to download and then click on read the description for guide.


Create Datasets

Create Datasets





Plot Accuracy and Loss

Plot Acc and Loss

Flow System

Flow System Detail Flow System