Colab Notebooks
There are google colab versions of these notebooks in the table below:
Lecture | Items |
1 |
Multi-objective optimization of a beam
Interactive examples for 1D and 2D multi-objective optimization problems
3 |
Examples on continuity, set theory, and extreme value theorem
Interactive versions of above examples and a monotonicity example
4 |
Examples on polynomial regression, RBFs, and Kriging
Interactive versions of some of the above examples
5 |
Detailed derivation of multi-variate version of FONCs and SOSCs
Example on the Taylor's series for local approximations
Interactive example on Taylor's series
An analytical example for solving unconstrained problems using FONCs and SOSCs
6 |
Example set with various gradient-based optimization algorithms (gradient descent, Newton methods, Conjugate gradients, and Cholesky factorization) |
Interactive example using line search on a quadratic unconstrained problem
Interactive example using line search on the bean function
Interactive example using line search on the Himmelblau function
7 |
Solving the linear programming farmer's problem using the method of basic solutions and the simplex algorithm
Solving a general linear programming problem using `scipy.linprog` and simplex (using the standard form)
8 |
Various analytical constrained optimization examples solved using the KKT conditions
9 |
Examples of various constraint handling methods including penalty and augmented Lagrangian methods
A general NLP example solved using scipy.optimize
10 |
A blackbox optimization problem solved using Mesh Adaptive Direct search **
11 |
A comparison of various MDO architectures for solving a numerical problem
A realistic MDO example based on the supersonic business jet problem solved using NHATC
** Source files for compiling a blackbox
MATLAB (2019) or later with
Optimization Toolbox
Global Optimization Toolbox
Symbolic Math Toolbox
Julia 1.7 or later with
- IJulia
- WebIO
- Interact
- LaTeXStrings
- Plots
- PyPlot
- LatinHypercubeSampling
- MLBase
- Surrogates
Python 3.8 or later with dependencies in requirements.txt
To install Jupyter you need to have an existing Python installation (Anaconda or otherwise). You may then use the following commands in the console
- Linux/MacOS
pip3 install jupyter
python3 -m pip install --upgrade webio_jupyter_extension
- Windows
pip install jupyter
python -m pip install --upgrade webio_jupyter_extension
The Julia interpreter and compiler can be downloaded from
Julia can be installed on major OS: Windows, MacOS X, Linux. Under Windows, it is possible to launch Julia via the start menu or, if present, by clicking on the appropriate icon. Under Linux, to launch the Julia interpreter in interactive mode, just enter at the terminal level
Note for windows: Be sure to check the "add to PATH" option during installation to add Julia to your environment variables.
Installing packages
use the following command to install all the prerequisite packages for this course
using Pkg
Pkg.add.(["IJulia", "WebIO", "Interact", "LaTeXStrings", "Plots", "PyPlot", "LatinHypercubeSampling", "MLBase", "Surrogates", "CSV"])
Create a virtual environment where you can install the required packages for this class locally
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m venv .env
pip install -r requirements.txt
After setting up your virtual environment you need to add it to the list of jupyter kernels. Inside jupyter go to select kernel
and select .env
from the list of environments
ipython kernel install --user --name=.env