Now you can pre-train Wav2vec 2.0 model on your dataset, push it into the Huggingface hub, and finetune it on downstream tasks with just a few lines of code. Follow the below instruction on how to use it.
- Train on your own local datasets.
- Visualization with Tensorboard.
- Resume training (optimizer, a learning rate scheduler, gradient scaler,...) from the latest checkpoint.
- No data caching. Data is loaded on the fly (no disk memory consuming).
- Checkpoint is saved separately at each epoch.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Prepare your dataset:
- Your dataset can be in .txt or .csv format.
- Only PATH column is compulsory, the others (eg: DURATION, TRANSCRIPT, ...) are not necessary. PATH contains the paths to your stored audio files. Depending on your dataset location, it can be either absolute paths or relative paths.
- If DURATION column is not provided, all audio will be used. Audio length should be at least 0.5s.
- Check out our data_example.csv file for more information.
Run: I strongly recommend running
python --help
to understand the arguments before training.- Train:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" accelerate launch \ --multi_gpu \ --num_machines="1" \ --num_processes="1" \ --mixed_precision="fp16" \ --num_cpu_threads_per_process="12" \ \ --train_datasets \ data/train_clean_100.tsv \ data/train_clean_360.tsv \ data/train_other_500.tsv \ --val_datasets \ data/dev_clean.tsv \ data/dev_other.tsv \ --audio_column_name="path" \ --duration_column_name="duration" \ --separator="\t" \ --model_name_or_path="facebook/wav2vec2-base" \ --load_from_pretrained \ --output_dir="wav2vec2_pretraining" \ --max_train_steps="200000" \ --num_warmup_steps="32000" \ --gradient_accumulation_steps="8" \ --learning_rate="0.005" \ --weight_decay="0.01" \ --max_duration_in_seconds="15.6" \ --min_duration_in_seconds="0.5" \ --logging_steps="1" \ --saving_steps="100" \ --per_device_train_batch_size="16" \ --per_device_eval_batch_size="8" \ --gradient_checkpointing
- Resume: Same as Train, but with an additional argument
- Train:
Tips for training: Some good metrics to guarantee your pretraining process is running right: contrast_loss and cosine_sim. Usually, the contrastive loss should be below 2.0, and cosine_sim should be higher than 50%.
How to use your pre-trained model:
- I load my pre-trained model checkpoint from epoch 10 and get the last hidden state embedding:
from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor, Wav2Vec2Model import torch import librosa # load audio wav, sr = librosa.load(<audio_path>, sr=16000) # load pretrained feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("<output_dir>/saved_model/epoch_10") model = Wav2Vec2Model.from_pretrained("<output_dir>/saved_model/epoch_10") # run forward pass inputs = feature_extractor(wav, sampling_rate=sr, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) last_hidden_state = outputs.last_hidden_state print(last_hidden_state.shape)
- Finetune for ASR task: Check out this REPO for finetuning Wav2vec 2.0 for Automatic Speech Recognition using Connectionist Temporal Classification.
- I load my pre-trained model checkpoint from epoch 10 and get the last hidden state embedding:
The logs during the training will be stored, and you can visualize it using TensorBoard by running this command:
# specify the <name> in config.json
tensorboard --logdir ~/<output_dir>/logs
# specify a port 8080
tensorboard --logdir ~/<output_dir>/logs --port 8080