A multi-peer server/client, real-time communication of data or media for your site without the need of a backend server!
RTCStarJS is a wrapper around PeerJS. Using PeerJs P2P implementation, RTCStarJS builds a star topology (Server & Client) on top on PeerJS.
Import the following .js files,
<script src="js/vendor/adapter.js"></script>
<script src="js/vendor/peer.js"></script>
<script src="js/vendor/rtc-star-client.js"></script>
<script src="js/vendor/rtc-star-server.js"></script>
Typically, a host user would initiate and start a RTCStarServer on his browser. Others, including himself, will then create a RTCStarClient each to communicate with the server. The server serves as a centralised point for broadcasting and logic for the application that you will be building.
Init Server code
var server = new RTCStarServer();
// System Events are prefix with $, includes: $open, $close, $error, $enter, $leave
// Request events of any other types
// All set, start server
server.start("MyCoolServerName", peerjs_options);
Init Client code
var client = new RTCStarClient();
// System Events including: $open, $close, $error, $enter, $leave, $list, $call
// Messages can be any type, used for application communication
client.start(server_name, peerjs_options);
Client Component for chat:
function ChatClient(rtcStarClient){
var _this = this;
this.sendChat = function(text){
rtcStarClient.request("chat.requestNewChat", text);
rtcStarClient.on('chat.init', function(message){
if (_this.initHandler)
rtcStarClient.on('chat.newChat', function(message){
if (_this.newChatHandler)
rtcStarClient.on('$close', function(message){
if (_this.disableChatHandler)
rtcStarClient.on('$error', function(message){
if (_this.disableChatHandler)
Server Component for chat:
var ChatServer = function(rtcStarServer){
var history;
function init(){
history = [];
function initClient(message){
var id = message.id;
if (history)
rtcStarServer.send(id, "chat.init", history);
function newChat(message){
var chat = {clientId: message.clientId, content: message.data, timestamp: new Date()};
rtcStarServer.broadcast("chat.newChat", chat);
rtcStarServer.on('$open', init);
rtcStarServer.on('$enter', initClient);
rtcStarServer.on('chat.requestNewChat', newChat);
Server API:
start(id, options): Start server with id and options, both params are used in PeerJS's Peer constructor.
stop(): Stops and destroy the server.
on(type, handler): Add a handler function to a particular event of [type]. (Sent from client, or system events)
off(type, handler): Removes a handler function to a particular event of [type]. (Sent from client, or system events)
send(peerId, type, data): Sends a message to a specific peer. The RTCStartClient would trigger an event of [type] with the supplied data.
broadcast(type, data): Same as the send method, except that message is broadcast to all clients connected.
getServerPeerId(): Returns the id of the server.
getClientList(): Returns a list of ids of clients that are connected to the server.
Server System Events:
$open: Server started.
$close: Server ended.
$error: Error occured.
$enter: Client enter.
$leave: Client left.
Client API:
start(serverPeerId, id, options): Start client with id and options, both params are used in PeerJS's Peer constructor, and connects to a server with the serverPeerId provided.
stop(): Stops and destroy the client.
on(type, handler): Add a handler function to a particular event of [type]. (Sent from client, or system events)
off(type, handler): Removes a handler function to a particular event of [type]. (Sent from client, or system events)
request(type, data): Sends a request to server of [type] with the supplied data.
getClientPeerId(): Returns the id of the client.
call(peerId, stream): Starts a webrtc media call with a particular client.
Client System Events:
$open: Client started.
$close: Client ended.
$error: Error occured.
$enter: Client enter.
$leave: Client left.
$list: List of connected clients. Sent only at initial connection.
$call: Received a webrtc media call from a client.