Hi there 👋 ... Welcome to my personal git repo. I hope you'll learn at least something here. You can find my codes in various different categories including the following:
- Research in computational condensed matter physics. Check my webstite [email protected]
- Introduction and real applications of Density Functioal Theory (DFT) and embedded Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (eDMFT) calculations on quantum materials.
- Python TightBinding models for various Topological phases of real materials.
- python for physics research as well as data science.
- Linux and bash scripting language
- grep, egrep, sed, awk and vi editor
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Implementation from scratch (only using numpy)
- Real world application of various ML methods.
- Natural language processing
- Computer Vision
- Productionization: Deploying your model as a web app using Falsk and Streamlit.
Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning
- Basic quantum computing algorithms and it's implementation using qiskit.
- Introduction to some quantum machine learning algorithms.
- Check here for code: https://github.com/quantumyatra/
- Finalist of the Erdos Data Science Bootcamp 2021.
- Scraped >2M Reddit posts from Reddit and >72K unique tweets mentioning GameStop.
- Wrangled the features to extract intrinsic properties of the posts along with external information.
- Built predictive models using word vectorization and probability calibration on an imbalanced (5:95) dataset.
- Deployed the model via Heroku with the option to choose between aggressive (high recall) and defensive (high precision) strategies.
- Website: (https://gristock.herokuapp.com/)
- Project work for NLP-Pilot Bootcamp organized by Erdos Institute.
- Processed the highly imbalanced data set containing Wikipedia comments posted online.
- Used Logistic Regression, Random Forrest, XGBoost, and various Neural Network architecture for the multilabel multiclass classification problem.
- Developed a web app and deployed it online (https://toxcom.herokuapp.com/) for any user to find whether an online comment is toxic or not as well as to distinguish what kind of toxic label the comment has.
- Cleaned the real-time solar wind data and imputed it using forward fill and interpolation methods to predict DST index.
- Performed time-series analysis using ARIMA model as well as implemented LSTM model in TensorFlow-2 framework.
- Ranked within the top 8% (group of four) among more than 600 participants in the competition for the LSTM implementation
- Find Code here github.com/khanalg44/MagNet.
If you are into cricket then please check my website https://cric-data.herokuapp.com/ for players' profile, top statistics, analysis in various formats of the game
- Personal webpage: https://khanalg44.github.io/
- GitHub: https://github.com/khanalg44/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghanashyam-khanal/
- Email: [email protected]
- Rutgers webpage: https://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~khanal/