A PlantUML (.puml) to XML (.xmi) converter.
Before starting, If you want to run it locally, ensure you have the following dependencies installed, otherwise you'll just need Docker, and can ignore this :
- dune (v3.16 or higher)
- OCaml (v4.08.0 or higher)
- make
- Clone this repository and open it
- Compile the program with the command
- Build the image with the command
docker build -t puml2xml .
- Run the container
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data/input puml2xml ./puml2xml /data/input/<yourfile.puml>
Note: for this last command, you'll just have to replace <yourfile.puml> by the .puml file you want to convert (located in your current directory).
You can use it as specified here :
USAGE: ./puml2xml <file> [OPTIONS]
<file> : the relative path of the .puml file to convert
-f <new_name> : specify the output file name. Default: same as input with .xmi extension.
-h : display this message
This project was born from my experience working on a university project, where we were required to create PlantUML diagrams and also deliver them in XML format. Logically, I thought "It shouldn't be that hard to find a PlantUML tool that does this". After searching for a while, I encountered an issue : either finding a solution was quite tedious for such a simple problem, or many users found issues with the tools provided by PlantUml.
After more digging, I finally found a Docker command line provided somewhere by PlantUML, which, by chance, worked for me. However, as a result, I wanted a more accessible, native tool, primarily to save others the hassle of facing the same situation as me in the future (and also as an excuse for myself to make a project in OCaml ^^).
This project was made possible by reverse-engineering the given output. For reference, you can find the .xmi output file here and the .puml file I used here.
To contribute, fork this repository and open a pull request describing the fix or feature you're adding. Please ensure that your commits follow the conventional commit format.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.